#Roman #construction is famous
for enduring for centuries, from architectural marvels to common roads. TIL that some of their #aquaducts are still in use today! And they used a mysterious #concrete formula that makes our modern efforts look like dried Play-Doh. But now scientists have demonstrated the secret the Romans perfected for #selfhealing concrete: #quicklime.
#engineering #materialscience #history #ancient #lime
@AmberWavesofFlame This is an important study that has a broad resonance, as #concrete production is responsible for about 6 to 9 % of all man-made CO2 emissions. https://www.downtoearth.org.in/news/science-technology/roman-secret-to-durable-architecture-self-healing-concrete-87102
Quicklime, pozzolanic material ‘hot-mixed’ to make concrete can endure for millenia; It can also help reduce environment impact of cement production