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Frost seizes my day after day, but nobody told these to pack it in for the year, so they’re my last flowers left.

It's just so on brand for Republicans to choose Jim Jordan to chair the Judiciary Committee when he hasn't even passed the bar exam. #politics

Later camera 🎥 work showed an exterior hole 🕳️ in the #Soyuz about 4️⃣ millimeters across above the smaller hole in the radiator line. Given increases in #spacedebris in recent years, an impact from a tiny piece of space junk, (“something half the size of a bullet going 15 times #faster than a #bullet") wouldn’t be a surprising explanation for the Soyuz leak.

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Biden signs bills that secure long-sought water rights and land for 5 Arizona tribes

"The Colorado River Indian Tribes Water Resiliency Act, the Hualapai Tribe Water Rights Settlement Act, and the White Mountain Apache Tribe Water Rights Quantification Act were signed by Biden Jan. 5."


Via @agbioworld:

A company in Georgia has received conditional approval for the first for honeybees, 🐝 could pave the way for controlling a range of viruses & pests that have decimated the global population. It is the first vaccine approved for any insect!

Ok, one nice perk of ’s hashtag system is watching people still get a kick out of a or article I posted a week or more ago, presumably because they were in the mood to browse that topic. That almost never happens on other social media sites, where yesterday’s thought quickly gets buried in sentiment sediment and you usually only see old posts emerge when posters are throwing someone’s words back in their faces, months or years later. But here, even quiet smiles are ageless.

is famous
for enduring for centuries, from architectural marvels to common roads. TIL that some of their are still in use today! And they used a mysterious formula that makes our modern efforts look like dried Play-Doh. But now scientists have demonstrated the secret the Romans perfected for concrete: .

Ever heard the story of how the discovery of extremophiles also inadvertently led to the invention of PCR?

It's so much fun

It really illustrates two of my favorite principles in life:

1) the value of following an obsessive curiosity, for, like, *years*

2) the way big ideas come out the collision of two seemingly unconnected domains

My essay, for Medium subscribers:

If you don't subscribe, here's a "friend" link:

@actuallyautistic @actuallyadhd You are worthwhile if the lid doesn’t get put on the toothpaste, and even if the milk gets left out.

And you are worthwhile if you say a dumb thing in a Tweet.

And you are worthwhile even if you forget to pick up your son for the movies and he waits for you all day long.

You are worthy of love and affection, and of adulation and praise, and of validation for being YOU.

You have ALWAYS been worthy. And you don’t have to earn it.

✨ You were always good! ✨

And I and lots of other people love you.

And they love the child-you that was hurt.

And things are getting better.

And they will get better still.

So hang in there. And be nice to you. And take care of you the best you can. And give yourself one nice thing today, even if it’s as simple as wrapping your arms around yourself and giving yourself a hug.

Cuz you deserve good things. And sometimes good things happen

(And if you are a parent or caregiver and you learned some new things from this thread be gentle with yourself too. We are all learning and growing and you don’t need to be ashamed as you try to learn more and do better for your #ADHD loved ones.)

G’night everyone! ❤️❤️❤️ 10/10

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@actuallyautistic @actuallyadhd And the thing that is sinking in right now is how that story is SO OBVIOUSLY about #ADHD.

My grandpa felt utterly ashamed.

He missed the window to pick my dad up. Maybe he forgot the day. Maybe he had time blindness and it got so late he couldn’t bring himself to show up.

ANY of us that has #ADHD knows this feeling:

The feeling of missing the ONE important thing.

Of forgetting something nobody else would EVER forget.

And we all know the stinging shame, the absolute humiliation, of the messages we believe about that mistake.

That we don’t really give a shit.

That we must not *really* care.

That we must not love our kid.

And the one that is making me cry here on the floor of my office: that we must be the shittiest parent on planet Earth.

He must have thought he was SUCH a horrible person. 💔

And so… he just vanished.

He believed he was a horrible dad, and he believed my dad was probably better off without him. And so he just disappeared from my dad’s life. He missed his own son’s ENTIRE CHILDHOOD because #ADHD made him believe he really was worthless.

This disorder hurts us DEEPLY. Living in an ableist society with ADHD tears up many of our lives. It tears holes in our families and holes in our hearts. It makes us feel like failures and like a waste of space within humanity.

So, I want to take responsibility for my careless and insensitive comment about “superpowers”/career/income. It was deeply off. It didn’t take into account the LUCK that I have experienced. It ignored my privilege as a white, able-bodied, cis-gendered male. It sucked.

Yes it gets to be okay that I am a person with #ADHD who will run out of dopamine and make “careless mistakes” (official wording in the DSM V I believe) during a task or activity.

It’s also okay to own that mistake and correct course when I have more dopamine the next day. 8/

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@actuallyautistic @actuallyadhd But when the phrase “you have so much potential!” is used with a kid with #ADHD, whether intended or not, it is most often an ablist, micro-aggressive dig at their disability that tells the child that they should be striving for things that are actually impossible.

And then when the kid with #ADHD tries with ALL THEIR MIGHT to bridge the gap (examples below) to please the adult—to “meet their potential” in other words—they fail. Predictably. Naturally. And tragically. And the adult is disappointed in them.

And the problem is, it doesn’t stop there. Because at that point, often the adult is invested, and the adult’s ego is also on the line. So they say “okay, try again! Don’t give up! You can do it!” And the kid tries harder. And fails again. And again. And again.

And THEN the adult starts providing lots of ideas that help neurotypical folks saying “you can meet your potential if you just use these tools!” (Alarms, planners, apps, schedules, reminders, whatever.) And the kid has hope, and tries AGAIN. And fails AGAIN. And at this point

The adult is exasperated and doesn’t understand why their “help” as a teacher or parent or counselor isn’t working. And the kid doesn’t understand either. And that’s when other horrible messages really take hold. Like “lazy” and “messy” and “unmotivated” and “disobedient.”

And the adult actually believes those labels because the adult really *could* see “potential” (like high IQ, or amazing musical aptitude, or incredible athletic ability) and now really believes the kid must just not *want* to get to rehearsal in time (or whatever)

And the kid… that poor #ADHD kid is SO confused. Because they DO love the sport or skill or interest and they really DO love the adult and want to please them. And they didn’t. Over and over.

So they really MUST just be lazy. Or unmotivated. Or careless. Or inconsiderate. /2

[Me: The author is referring to ADHD only, but holy shit this applies to ND folk in general]

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I just read -- in the book SEE WHAT YOU MADE ME DO by Jess Hill -- about the incident in Stockholm for which Stockholm Syndrome is named, and I am royally pissed off on behalf of all women, buckle up.

As I read some sobering and thoughtful posts about the anniversary of yesterday, I couldn’t help but wonder if the chaos was deliberately extended to drive the out of the news. The dynamics haven’t fundamentally changed since the beginning of this debacle, but the drama peaked yesterday and resolved first thing in the morning Jan 7th. That sure worked out for… all the same people involved in this standoff. Hmm.


“Even key individuals who worked closely with President Trump to try to overturn the 2020 election on January 6th ultimately admitted that they lacked actual evidence sufficient to change the election result, and they admitted that what they were attempting was unlawful.”
~January 6th Committee, Executive Summary, page 4

EVERYONE involved in the #TrumpCoupAttempt needs to be held accountable in order to protect US democracy.

#Jan6 #Jan6th #January6th

@juliangough , the writer of the ending to , has placed his celebrated piece in the public domain under a Creative Commons License. He never signed away the , which is a whole interesting backstory available on his Substack here:

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