@coolboymew @eee @noyoushutthefuckupdad >is pointless if they can't get control of the assets and co at the same time
I disagree. Assets don't and can't have the same functions as code has.
>while the user don't really get to control the assets either, is basically advocating for absolutely nothing whatsoever.
They don't get legal control over it, yes and it's a good compromise imo. That way companies/artists can still enforce a form of right for their work and that's normal, even the fsf does that.
>and in the end you would still need a rom to get the assets from or something
And ? Commercially speaking it doesn't change anything. Companies can still sell on physical/digital support without issues. They don't even have to put the source code by default, they just have to provide when someone asks for it.
>which you might as well just wholesale emulate and we're back to square 1
Open-MW/TDD/RCT/SAGE/RA and the like are all proof that it works and are much better than emulation itself.