@moffintosh shame the concrete falls apart after about 150 years. some of the countries are starting to run in to issues with that.

@icedquinn @moffintosh don't worry, we run into issues with those buildings being constructed like shit, looking like shit and giving everyone living around them depression much faster than that.

@icedquinn @moffintosh also they were insulated like shit and with the money Poland spent around 1995-2015 to insulate them against cold so that they don't waste insane amounts of energy for heating we could've built another series of actually well constructed buildings.

@Amikke @moffintosh weren't they mostly shit together to fullfill immediate housing needs?

i don't think they were ever designed with a 1,000 year empire in mind

@icedquinn @moffintosh yeah, and they incurred debt that made us unable to build more for further immediate housing needs. You can only make shit buildings for so long until the costs of maintaining them come back to bite you in the ass. We keep having problems with them, we can't just tear them down and build better ones in their place so they're a constant shitty money sink for subpar living space.

@moffintosh @icedquinn you go ahead and allocate enough budget to tear down and rebuild like more than half of densely populated buildings in a major city while at the same time dealing with the nightmare of what to do with their current residents for the time. It's the kind of debt hole that is too big to fill at the moment and at the same time consumes more resources over time just to keep working badly. Typical commie resource allocation stuff, they didn't bankrupt an entire empire because of great foresight.

@Amikke @icedquinn
> Imo, the video above is quite explict that the prioritized putting any roof over your head rather than leaving you homeless until something of higher quality was ready.
> Housing was the priority, high quality was for the next generation

You act as if they could have just as easily taken the opposite path but chose not to do so because they're ontologically dumb or smt

@icedquinn @Amikke Imo, the video above is quite explict that the prioritized putting any roof over your head rather than leaving you homeless until something of higher quality was ready.
Housing was the priority, high quality was for the next generation

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