@DanielaKEngert @daridrea Ah this reminds of a time when some people tried to get rid of C. Nothing will replace C. Looking at Cpp after the Rust Epidemic was nauseating. Is memory really safe if it can't be accessed?
I bought a book on Rust and intended to learn the language. I made it to the part where it got into memory management and stated that it was completely unnecessary. Pure hubris. Even if the language is magical, it could make its users horrible coders in another language.
It does have beautiful syntax. The Licensing and Foundation are pretty sketchy. MISRA Cpp and MISRA C already exist so what is the point in Rust? I'm not saying that C is without faults, something about the power of assembly with the usability of assembly. I despise Cpp unless it's embedded, it became bloated.
Rust has numerous faults and the heavy handed foundation might be its downfall. Hopefully it will escape the grips of the corporate overlords and evolve freely. I hope to see it again someday but in better condition.