@ElfLord if the algorithms of Amazon and the likes are anything to go by; the robot uprising will consist of artillery shells impacting the same spot(s) every day on the hour, we will not need to retaliate, just fence the impact crater off...
RT @ChristnNitemare@twitter.com
Little known fact... h/t @GodlessEngineer@twitter.com cc: @doctorow@twitter.com
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/ChristnNitemare/status/1159810021296918528
@x mine was permanently deleted on 16 July. I'm outta there!
vintage 1982 fulfilling several roles in life (not in order): father, husband, writer, worker, computer dude, science fanboy (even if I don't like the implications/conclusions), Sci-fi and fantasy inclined in both consumer and creator roles, Austrian and overall crazy person.