@CerstinMahlow What is "Ghackets"?
@shriramk It's a bit like sauce bolognese but more meat I think. A typical Swiss dish. Here is a recipe with some info https://newinzurich.com/recipes/ghacktes-mit-hornli-swiss-recipe/
@CerstinMahlow Thanks! Not the most interesting Swiss dish for me as a vegetarian. We are making Älplermagronen for dinner tomorrow! (Requested by kid.)
@shriramk Ah, that's great, too — and requires applesauce :)
As for the meat: I cook the sauce with “plant-based gehacktes.” It's made of peas, needs more water or/and oil for cooking, but I cannot taste a difference (husband is the vegetarian, I'm not)
@CerstinMahlow aha! Hadn't seen this when I briefly lived in Zürich, but it was several years ago, and also wasn't especially looking for fake meat products.
@shriramk These replace-meats are quite good now, there’s even one line by Hiltl, the vegetarian restaurant
@shriramk They do! It's called Vegimetzg