We all admire Amsterdam for having the vision to replace car infrastructure with bike infrastructure. We see the positive uplift in small business activity, and livability. 🙂👍🏿
Now imagine doing that in reverse. Replace relatively safely walkable and bikeable infrastructure with car infrastructure. In fact, put in freeways. Demolish entire thriving wealthy neighborhoods with freeways that don't serve the neighborhood.🙃
That's what we did to Black folk. That's how we destroyed Black wealth.
A 2s to 3 pz transition. Phase evolution is seen from the rotating frame in which the phase of the 2s orbital is held constant.
As you go up in principal quantum number for an orbital of a given type, the orbital gets an extra node. That's why in the 2s orbital you can see an internal node and an inversion of the phase (denoted by the color).
Humpback whales hunt/eat using a technique called “bubble net feeding.” They create walls of bubbles to capture fish in a virtual net before swallowing them up.
The result is absolutely stunning. Their style of eating is literally an art.
More from David Attenborough:
@LucCogZest I and some others I know avoid Adobe like the plague.
@august Interesting, thanks for the link. I’m inclined somewhat to agree with Yuval Noah Harari who thinks that such AI will eventually obviate the need for students to write reports. I suppose they will at least need to know how to formulate queries that get the informational response they need.
@august We’ve had a few discussions about ChatGPT within our faculty recently, to consider how it will impact student submissions.
How to Draw ideas
McCarthy tapped 11 Republicans as committee chairs who voted to reject the results of the 2020 presidential election.
11 of the 17 new House committee chairmen are election deniers who were willing to overthrow the democratic process to put trump back in office.
Why isn’t this a bigger story?
@CathleenCrudden I’ve only been here for a few weeks and I already like it better than the bird site. Admittedly I haven’t posted much yet; I’ve mostly been enjoying the posts of others. BTW, although I’m not teaching chemistry, I’ve done a lot of it in my research. #chemistry #research #environmentalscience
Nature Chemical Engineering, launching in January 2024, is looking for three Associate/Senior Editors.
For details of the broad areas of expertise we're looking for in candidates, please take a look at the job ad here: https://careers.springernature.com/job/London-Associate-or-Senior-Editor%2C-Nature-Chemical-Engineering/882724901/
Closing date for applications: Jan 16, 2023
Locations: London, New York, Berlin, Shanghai or Beijing
Boosts appreciated!
#Chemistry #Engineering #ChemicalEngineering #ChemiVerse #Editorial #Publishing #Jobs
"Scientists want to use People as Antennas to power 6G" (Visible Light Comms)
A violent international fascist movement is gaining ground, and their American supporters—failed insurrectionists, still at large and rabble-rousing, like Donald Trump and Steve Bannon—have gained control of one house of Congress. https://www.nytimes.com/live/2023/01/08/world/brazil-congress-protests-bolsonaro
#physics **The power of exponential growth**
Covid was piddling around the world from the late summer of 2019. I got one of the first cases in Jan. 2020, from my brother-in-law who started the Bracebridge cluster. :) It was just a flu then. The article says that other viruses had a physics effect, but covid was under the noise. No philosophers in the media get the concept. The Chinese were just smart enough to type it first, as it blew up.
I am Robert M. Powell. My degrees are in Zoology and Environmental Science, with a lot of chemistry courses thrown in, which was fortunate because almost all my professional work has involved extremely detailed chemistry, including some chemical reactions in experiments that hadn't been described before. I’m also a consultant, so get in touch if my expertise matches your needs.
I currently teach environmental science courses at three colleges. I had a very long career prior to becoming a professor, with over 40 years of experience. Here are some highlights:
- Two years as a senior technician in a genetics research lab.
- Eleven years at the Oklahoma Geological Survey (OGS) as an Analytical Chemist.
- Eleven years as a Researcher at USEPA's National Risk Management Research Laboratory, Ada, OK.
- Twenty-four years as an environmental consultant via Powell & Associates Science Services.
- Seven years+ (so far) as a professor at three colleges.
My expertise includes aqueous chemistry, ground water geochemistry, contaminant remediation using permeable reactive barriers (PRBs) in the subsurface and other innovative in situ treatment technologies, ground water sampling, site characterization, contaminant transport and fate, including colloidal contaminant transport, analytical chemistry, exploratory data analysis, risk assessment, technical writing and editing, and providing expert witness support for clients on a variety of environmental topics under litigation. One of my fascinations is sorting out complex data using exploratory data analysis software.
At the OGS I analyzed large numbers of environmental samples, including rocks, coal, surface water, ground water, water from deep sea sediments, uranium levels in ore, and so on; I programmed computers to do the calculations.
At EPA, my emphasis was in surface water and subsurface systems including soil, the unsaturated zone above the aquifers, and ground water, including the transport of contaminants adsorbed onto colloidal particles and as chelates. I was involved in the research and development of low-flow rate and passive purging and sampling of groundwater monitoring wells. I also worked on the development and understanding of the geochemical mechanisms, reaction rates, costs and approaches to in situ contaminant remediation using permeable reactive barrier technology, authoring many reports and peer-reviewed papers in the process. Both these methods are now being used worldwide, for which I get nothing because my work was government-funded, LOL.
As a consultant I have had numerous clients from industry, legal teams, Native American tribes, other consultancies, and government, both local and federal. One of my favorite projects was serving as a member of the six-person External Advisory Group for the Hydrogeologic Workplan at the Los Alamos National Laboratory for seven years; I got to go to New Mexico at least twice per year and I love it there, both the scenery and the stupendously good Mexican food.
About three years ago, I was subcontracted to Michigan Technological University for the State of Michigan. Michigan Tech was contracted to develop a worst-case scenario risk assessment for the Mackinac Straits Line 5 pipelines owned by Enbridge, Inc., should they rupture and release large amounts of oil. I worked on the ecosystems part of the risk assessment.
I've authored 40+ publications, book chapters, and encyclopedia articles and lost count of my professional presentations at around 50 or so.