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Actually, I for one knew that and when Turks put an end to Constantinople they resumed the Roman tradition under the Ottomans, and it was then that the term "ogre" was born (Uyghur) to mean the kidnapper of Christian children. Jews held office while Christians were persecuted by both Jew and Turk.

SuperLutheran (Avignon Half)  
Hey did you know that before Constantine, jews in Rome were legally allowed to own Christians as property and force-circumcise them? Haha wow, who ...

Russian hacker group known as Midnight Blizzard has stolen emails between federal agencies and Microsoft and potentially collected login credentials during a recent breach.

The wordless feature film, "Sasquatch Sunset," explores, with poignancy and lowbrow humor, the relationships of a Sasquatch family played by Jesse Eisenberg, Riley Keough, Christophe Zajac-Denek, and Nathan Zellner. @IndieWire talks to co-directors Zellner and his brother David about how they made the movie — including "Sasquatch camp" with a Marcel Marceau-trained coach, prosthetic makeup, and natural lighting.

#Film #Movies #SasquatchSunset #Bigfoot #Cinema #Entertainment

For more stories like this, follow IndieWire's Film Magazine, @film-IndieWire.

I've been watching the Folding Ideas series about web3 and I still stand in awe that someone thought the concept of an NFT sounded like a good one, let alone as many people as bought into them.

Then this showed up on Ars. It's fun to watch people roast "Web3" bullshit:

I've been contacted by a university from the UK, asking me to act as an external expert to assess an application for promotion to professor

Is this usual?

For context:
- I'm not from the UK
- It's not sure how close the applicant's area will be to mine
- Perhaps they are looking for my namesake
- I'm overcommitted
- I'm not sure there's anything for me


Please boost if you have followers who might know this

If you're hoping Rishi Sunak might call an early election, you haven't fully understood the Tories end-game.

Right now they are looking to:

create as many problems as possible for the next Govt. by conducting a scorched earth strategy;

while continuing to enrich themselves & their chums (until the last moment).

They know they're going to lose but they're going to try to make the next five years hellish, so they can ride in to save us in 2029 (or before if Starmer's Govt. collapses).


Trump Says All Presidents Must Have ‘Total Immunity’ from Crimes – Except for President Biden

Next week jury selection will begin for the first criminal trial of Donald Trump. In fact, it's the first criminal trial of any former American president. Trump is outraged because, as he incessantly whines, "Nothing like this has ever happened before." But that's only because there hasn't been any other persistently profligate perpetrator of crimes like Trump before. Click…

I see Swifts visiting the nest above our front door, but haven't gotten up on a ladder to see if there are any younguns in there. I won't clean out the nests in the rafters until all the little ones have flown. :)

This is very interesting. Acoustic detection of bird populations in the vicinity of (mostly houses) in the UK and Ireland.

#birds #ornithology

I'm okay with term limits for Supreme Court Justices but I think they should be retroactive and include bribe clawbacks. Let's do it right.

Through gardens, these Native communities are cultivating a solution to climate change

As he peels back the husk of corn grown in his garden, Miko Brandon reveals deep red kernels hiding underneath. Brandon knows that unlike yellow and white varieties, this Chickasaw red corn will have a sweet but nutty flavor to it when cooked or made into cornmeal or bread.

AT&T has experienced more than one massive customer data breach and yet they still want to "update" to "more cost-effective" bullshit. Here's a reminder that the "more cost-effective" bullshit isn't only hackable but it's also not covered by the standard Common Carrier laws which I'm sure AT&T wants to evade, big-time.

Unless and until fiber is a direct replacement for copper AND is covered by Common Carrier Law, keep your copper.

@lauren Have been thinking to call the number on their fiber come-on and giving them a raft of shit when they tell me all I can get at my address i...

Apple’s antitrust case is getting a new judge - Illustration by Cath Virginia / The Verge | Photo by Getty... -

I’ve been working on a deep-dive blog post about my small typewriter collection, because I’m that kind of nerd. It’s been really interesting to compare the machines and notice how much variety there is in features, typefaces, and typing, which I never really noticed when using them one at a time. A 🧵

#typewriter #typosphere #vintage #writing

It Is Journalism’s Sacred Duty To Endanger The Lives Of As Many Trans People As Possible

(The Onion, from a year ago)

the IDF murdering 6 family members of one of the guys youre negotiating with to release hostages, on a holy day...

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