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@GracelessHippo @antimnguyen @simon Yes, you can mute an individual toot (post) from the web view. Tap the 3 dots and choose "filter this post".

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Sometimes I reflect on the real possibility (near certainty?) that we will watch one of the biosphere's greatest wonders annihilated. An extraordinary abundance of life in dazzling diversity. We will kill it by repeated bleaching from climate change. That will be our legacy.


BREAKING from me - Record heat over Great Barrier Reef raises fears of second summer of coral bleaching


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African Lion Safari in Ontario, Canada, boasts the largest herd of Asian elephants in North America. Its conservation claims are a thin excuse for decades of abuse, profit through forced breeding, and the transferring of these regal and intelligent animals. Its breeding program is little more than a legalized animal trafficking ring. African Lion Safari's Asian elephants must be sent to an accredited elephant sanctuary!

#elephants 🐘 #sanctuaries

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'Water is vital to global trade, with 90% of products moving around the world via oceans and waterways.

But Summer 2022 saw severe droughts that led to several international trade routes becoming unpassable.

Economic damage from droughts jumped by 63% in 2021 compared with the 20-year average, according to the World Meteorological Organization.'

#trade #economy #ClimateChange #ActNow

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Interesting new paper about tropical cycle (TC) intensity. TCs are what we call hurricanes in the Atlantic and typhoons in the Pacific.
Paywall, sorry!

This study uses measurements of ocean currents to back out TC wind speed. The key physics is that wind applies a torque to the ocean surface and the flow of the ocean responds to that. If you can measure the change in ocean current, you can back out the wind speed.

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I love atheists because they don’t try to takeover the government to force their lack of beliefs on others.

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Now Musk is saying if Apple and Google block Twitter on their app stores, presumably for failure to moderate hate speech and for safety, he will just create a new phone.

So it’s going well, right?

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I refuse to accept an economic system in which school teachers pay a higher tax rate than billionaire investors.

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We’re finishing up an overhaul of the sign-up experience in our iOS and Android apps, hopefully it can go live next week, I know the Android app hasn’t had a public release for a while but the beta already has editing and upload progress and a bunch of other nice things. A lot more in the pipeline for the future.

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“We've arranged a society based on #science and technology, in which nobody understands anything about science and technology. This combustible mixture of ignorance and power, sooner or later, is going to blow up in our faces.”

- Carl Sagan, in his last interview to Charlie Rose

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26 November 1902 | A Frenchman, Joseph Gilles Charles, was born in Epinac-les-Mines. A glassblower.

In Auschwitz from 8 July 1942.
No. 45600
He perished in the camp on 13 August 1942.

#Auschwitz #history #histodons #France #Nazis #Germany #ww2 #WorldWar2 #NeverForget #Remember #Memorial

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The Amazon forest is reaching a tipping point and starting to collapse - Washington Post

Dusty wells. Streams ebbing away. Pristine reserves aflame. Some scientists think the tipping point is already here.

#ClimateEmergency #ClimateChange #keepitintheground

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Going way back for today’s #FieldworkFriday. Here’s me and my eldest child doing field work downstream of Elliot Glacier on Mt. Hood, #Oregon. Our project focused on how #climatechange was affecting #streamflow from catchments with #glaciers. But a Debris Flow made a mess of one our sites! Rain on snow & ice sitting on unstable weathered volcanic rock produced pretty spectacular #geomorphology in action.

#FieldPhotoFriday #MountHood #HoodRiver

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As the rest of us Ottawanians observed as well.


Trudeau: the ability of the police to solve it “was not there” before invocation of act #ottnews #ottawa #onpoli #cdnpoli #POEC


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UPDATE: Trump admits he had dinner with Fuentes. Both the idea that Trump was unfamiliar with Fuentes and that he was FORCED to have dinner with him because Kanye brought him along is not credible.

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@jeffjarvis some people seem to want to recreate a Twitter-style business model. But the issue is that the model itself is flawed, it's not just about Musk.

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