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Always and forever grateful to #ClimateChange communicator extraordinaire @kathhayhoe. Her global weirding videos are excellent primers on how to talk about complicated topics, clearly and compassionately. Here's one of my favorites: "What's the big deal with a few degrees?"


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As right-wing extremists are re-platformed everywhere from Twitter to Mar-a-Lago, it’s more important than ever that we hold our journalists, researchers, & others to high standards of accountability when it comes to reporting on extremism and extremists. We need journalists who will tell us the truth, not stake out a position in the middle of two unequal sides. I keep coming back to this quote about reporting on the weather, but it was missing something — so I modified it to make it complete.

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I have never received something like this. We are experiencing a rise in hate, while many look the other way or seek to profit from it. I refuse to allow this to be the norm and a part of my child’s future. I will fight against hate and extremism and for decency and acceptance.

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Clif boosted

Basic bee facts every day at 3pm.


It is often thought that hummingbirds have the highest metabolic rate (energy used per unit of time) of all animals however the metabolic rate of bumblebees is 75% higher.

‘I love not man less, but Nature more’
- Byron

#bees #bumblebees #solitarybees #honeybees #nature #photography #wildlife #ireland

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Executives at companies across 20 major economies see the Ukraine conflict speeding up the pace of the transition to cleaner energy, rather than slowing it down

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Overwhelming evidence of outdoor transmission of Omicron by a man jogging through a park without a mask. Using surveillance videos, Chinese CDC investigators identified 256 people who passed within a meter of Patient zero as he jogged through the park without a mask. 13 (5%) were infected. He infected another 20 out of 20,496 park visitors beyond 1 meter. Nothing beats a surveillance state for contact tracing.

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Hi folks, I’m new to Mastodon & don’t fully get it yet, so pls be patient. I’ve been working in #solar & #renewables for 15 years & #airquality before that. I was also a US Peace Corps volunteer in East Africa & a high school #math & #science teacher. I live in California, & in addition to #environmentalism I also care about #racialjustice, #womensrights, & #education. Thanks for welcoming me to your community!

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Clif boosted

Not in itself a big deal, but still emblematic: in NSIDC passive microwave #seaice data, as of November 26 there is still ~4100 km² of open water in the Beaufort Sea. This is only the third time since 1978 that (in the NSIDC data) there has been ANY open water in the Beaufort Sea on this date (1994 & 2007 the other years).

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David Hamer 🇨🇦🇺🇦🇨🇦

Conservatives think of
as a tactical boy wonder.
They may be right, but the overarching reality is that he has the strategic vision of a gnat.
He’s joined himself at the hip to the #KuKluxKonvoy, and we’ll never allow him to forget it.

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Isn't it a dangerous trend for Post to try to build a culture where people providing news are paid by anonymous readers for each post? How can that not affect what they write? It's an avenue for vested interests to warp what's delivered as news.

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This morning, while making coffee, I logged onto the Other Site out of habit really. Five seconds of doom scrolling later, I deeply regretted it. Just bile and anger.

Came over here. Learned a bunch of new things, read loads of interesting posts, muted one person, liked/boosted a few other things... and here we are.

@jeffjarvis was right. It's just better here.

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Sea #Turtle Sanctuary Survived 40 Years. #ClimateChange May Kill It.
Against odds and initially strong opposition, a pristine #marinepreserve in #Philippines has thrived for decades under care of local #fishermen. Warming waters threaten the achievement.

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Up to 40 per cent of Tuvalu’s capital is underwater at high tide, and according to the starkest estimates yet, the entire Pacific nation is forecast to be entirely underwater by the end of the century.

#ClimateChange #Environment #EnvironmentalLaw #InternationalLaw #ClimateAction

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If you enjoy someone's post on #Mastodon go ahead and click the star. If someone tells you that's meaningless because there's no #algorithm, ignore them. Sure, boost the post too if you want others to also see the post, but don't think telling someone you like what they posted is somehow unimportant. In real life I don't tell someone, "good job," or "well said," or "I love that," for the sake of some algorithm, I do it because I'm human and they are too. It's fundamental to being truly social.

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Global floods and droughts will intensify sooner than expected, studies show

A new study published in Nature concluded that the influence of a warming planet in pushing up ocean temperatures in the eastern Pacific will be detectable in the weather patterns in eight years — almost 70 years earlier than previously though

#ClimateEmergency #pollution #ecology #environment #ClimateCrisis #ClimateCatastrophe
#ClimateChange #Climate

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'the heat wave was so unprecedented it essentially broke most of the standard tools used to measure the human influence on heat waves'

#ClimateCrisis #heat #health #science

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Aurora borealis on Jupiter, imaged by the Hubble telescope on Sept 29, 2022.
See the odd, comet-like streak at right? That's the magnetic imprint of Jupiter's moon Io! Its volcanoes spew out fumes that create their own aurora display. #space #Hubble

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