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For thousands of kilometers along the western coasts of the Americas, low-oxygen waters known as oxygen minimum zones stretch out into the Pacific Ocean. In part due to climate change, this oxygen-starved region is likely to get wider and deeper, expanding by millions of cubic kilometers by the end of the century, models in a new study predict. Larger oxygen minimum zones threaten marine ecosystems and species, along with the industries that depend on them


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NASA cancels greenhouse gas monitoring satellite due to cost

(AP) — NASA is canceling a planned satellite that was going to intensely monitor greenhouse gases over the Americas because it got too costly and complicated.

But the space agency said it will still be watching human-caused carbon pollution but in different ways

#ClimateEmergency #pollution #ecology #environment #ClimateCrisis #ClimateCatastrophe
#ClimateChange #Climate #NASA

“The new Wild Species Report shows Canada is facing a biodiversity crisis and our species and wildlife are going extinct. This will have devastating impacts on people’s well-being, food supplies and livelihoods,”

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Another month, same story 🌡️

Red shading indicates warmer than average temperatures. Overall, the average October 2022 global surface air temperature was +0.96°C (1.73°F) above the 1951-1980 climate baseline.

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Musk himself has:
- Spread Covid misinformation
- Called safety precautions “fascist”
- Forced his own workers back to work forcibly infecting hundreds of them
- Fired employees w/ Covid for taking sick days
- Cast doubt on vaccines
- Dismissed mass death of over a million people saying, “everybody dies” #covid #musk #twitter #twittermigration #journalist #technology #tech #technews

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Why it's a big deal that 1/6 rioters have been convicted for seditious conspiracy: it cements 1/6 as an insurrection.

That has 14th Amendment implications for lawmakers who participated.

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Today is my 1 month anniversary of signing up for Mastodon. A few observations—after spending 13+ years on Twitter:

•The Mastodon community is kinder & more focused on lifting one another up than tearing down.

•Mastodon is learning from Twitter's mistakes by including accessibility options, incorporating an edit button, & not centralizing everything

•Engagement is not dependent on clickbait or outrage, but genuine positive content.

None of the above are absolutes, but overall, glad I'm here.

"Singly, each of those three events exacted a heavy toll on the province. Collectively, they made for the single-worst climate catastrophe in Canadian history." 

"Our research, published today by the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, shows that when the broad sweep of non-insured losses is considered — along with a number of other factors — the estimated economic hit in B.C. associated with 2021’s extreme weather events is in the range of $10.6 billion to $17.1 billion."

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Hello! We, the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology, are #newhere on Mastodon.

We are an institute for basic research and develop advanced models of the Earth system, perform targeted observations, and advance theoretical concepts to support our chosen mission: 'To understand Earth's changing climate'.

Follow us for the latest news from #climate research and climate modeling.

We are one of 86 institutes of the @maxplanckgesellschaft

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Giving up on 1.5C climate target would be gift to carbon boosters, says IEA head - Exclusive: Fatih Birol says claims that limit is dead are ‘factually incorrect and politically very wrong’The world can still limit global heating to 1.5C, and to claim that the target is now out of reach is to play into the hands of fossil fuel proponents, the... #theguardian

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To battle climate change, scientists tap into carbon-hungry microorganisms for clues. New technique could fast-track future carbon-free solar fuels.

Scientists at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory have demonstrated a new technique, modeled after a metabolic process found in some bacteria, to convert carbon dioxide into liquid acetate, a key ingredient in producing "liquid sunlight" or solar fuels through artificial photosynthesis.
#climate #climatechange #science

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Hey, climate people.
One good way to find other #climate people here is to look at the followers list of someone you already find worthy of following and look at THEIR followers list for ideas. It's an easy click to then follow any of them you like.

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It is disturbing that many people can't recognize fascism unless it looks exactly like Nazi Germany.

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@GeraldKutney I haven't spent very much time here, just yet but I have yet to come across a single climate denier. There may be no need for #ClimateBrawl here🤔 😄

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Your daily reminder that Fascists are mediocre people who hide behind the illusion of strength because it’s easier than actually improving themselves. Why learn and grow when you can keep other people down through brute force?


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@Petprez Here are the future projections from the latest generation of models:

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The first climate model that estimated how the world might warm in the future was published in 1970.

That model, as well as ones published in the 1970s, 80s, 90s, and 2000s, have done a remarkably good job predicting what actually occurred in the years after they were published

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Use of #Foraminifera in Climate Science

The understanding of past changes in #climate and #ocean circulation is to a large extent based on information from marine sediments.
Marine deposits contain a variety of #microfossils, which archive (paleo)-environmental information, both in their floral and faunal assemblages and in their stable isotope and trace element compositions...


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