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Devastating read. #ClimateChange is real and we won’t get back what we’re losing.
“Powerful storm waves and thawing permafrost causing erosion are collapsing Tuk’s coastline by about one metre each year … Tuktoyaktuk is at risk of becoming the first community in Canada to be completely relocated because of erosion and rising sea levels.”

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Rural communities are increasingly showing that they will resist renewable energy projects despite a steady decrease in the costs of wind and solar and a rising need to move away from fossil fuels, reports

"The conflict touches on a broader cultural divide between urban and rural communities, and Democrats and Republicans.

In this fraught environment, expertise and facts seem to matter less than before." @insideclimatenews. #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #RenewableEnergy

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The Economist this morning:

On Tuesday the World Meteorological Organisation published, for the first time, an evaluation of global water resources. The findings are bleak: much of the world experienced unusually dry conditions in 2021. Although this was partly due to La Niña—a temporary weather pattern that influences the distribution of rains and winds—it is mostly a result of climate change, which is driving up temperatures and worsening droughts. These changes affect economies: in Britain and Europe alone, droughts currently cause around $9bn in losses each year.

#climate #climatechange #lanina

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Please boost if you’re still masking indoors (in public places)

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Great to see: Breaking news: The EU has warned Elon Musk that Twitter could be banned in Europe unless the billionaire abides by its strict rules on content moderation

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Masks still help. Wearing a mask still makes sense. Small inconvenience, big benefits. #mask #COVID19 😷


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#BlackFriday deals are everywhere, but there’s only one we care about. And that is a deal made by our world leaders to avert the biodiversity crisis!

In a single day, an estimated 144 plant and animal species go extinct, just let that sink in.

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Check out Mastodon Migration's new partner account Rubicon

We crossed the Rubicon. No going back.

Rubicon @rubicon boosts great #twittermigration stories and advice, and responds to #NewUser questions.

It's a pretty joyful place.

#mastodonmigration #twittermigration #mastodontips #servers #feditips

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Bad news: The eruption of Mauna Loa has shut down the monitoring station, which includes the iconic CO₂ measurements started in 1958. These measurements are the basis of modern climate science.

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As big crypto companies go through yet another financial meltdown, let me remind you: It's a giant Ponzi scheme that urgently needs to be regulated.

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Direct Messages on Mastodon are probably one of the most confusing things for new users as they aren't really like messages on other platforms.

I have done my best to explain what they are in a few minutes for you all here. Check it out and let me know if it helps.
More tips still to come so stay tuned.

Please give it a #boost if you can to help spread the knowledge around the Fediverse. :ablobcatrave:

#FediTips #twittermigration #youtube #DirectMessages #DMs

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When happening upon a neat article, explaining what a #ScientificConsensus is, we realized, that - even though we have a lot of material about the #consensus - we were lacking an explainer about what a scientific consensus actually is. We have now remedied this and created a page with an explainer and an accompanying glossary entry which will point our readers towards that page with a small pop-up-box.

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Hello people of the Fediverse! Some of you may have heard that a new Mastodon client, Ivory,  is in development for iOS (and Mac!). This is true! Tapbots is going all in on Mastodon and we hope this place continues to grow and thrive. Tweetbot will continue to be developed alongside Ivory as a lot of code is shared. A new Mac version of Tweetbot and Ivory are also currently in development and we are working hard on getting those towards a public beta state.

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Utqiaġvik, #Alaska as of 8am Wednesday up to 28F (-2.2C), which is a new record high temperature for Nov 30th. Previous record 27F (-2.8C) set in 1967. Temperature could well go higher next few hours. Unbroken climate observations at Utqiaġvik since autumn 1920. #akwx @Climatologist49 @ajatnuvuk

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DON’T FORGET: “Elon Musk admitted to his biographer that the reason the #Hyperloop was announced—even tho he had no intention of pursuing it—was to try to disrupt the California high-speed rail project to get in the way of that actually succeeding.” — @parismarx @Gizmodo
#cities #Urbanism #ElonMusk #transportation #HighSpeedRail #publictransit

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Congressman Hakeem Jeffries (NY-8) has been unanimously elected leader of House Democrats, the first Black person to lead either party in either chamber.

A new chapter with new leadership.

Well done, Mr. Leader!

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It's that time of year for annual reminders, so…

In #weather world, "Blizzard" is not a synonym for "Snowing Hard". The US NWS definition has three parts:
1) Sustained wind or frequent gusts ≥ 35 mph
2) Falling and/or blowing snow reduces visibility to ≤1/4 mile
3) Above conditions last ≥3 hours

#akwx #winter

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Puerto Rican municipalities have filed a lawsuit in federal court saying ExxonMobil Corp, Shell Plc, Chevron Corp and others colluded to publicly downplay the risks of their fossil-fuel products on climate change and are financially responsible for damages from the devastating 2017 hurricane season, which was made worse by global warming

#ClimateEmergency #pollution #ecology #environment #ClimateCrisis #ClimateCatastrophe
#ClimateChange #Climate #PortoRico #Caribbean

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