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How could climate change alter our diets?
Science X staff
6–7 minutes
How could climate change alter our diets?

As climate change alters rainfall and temperatures, and provokes heat waves and droughts, the quality and quantity of crops suffer. Such changes to yields could significantly jeopardize food security for the world's growing population

#ClimateEmergency #pollution #ecology #environment #ClimateCrisis #ClimateCatastrophe
#ClimateChange #Climate

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Fiji is set to tackle the impossible: 42 villages have been earmarked for potential relocation in the next five to 10 years, owing to the impacts of the climate crisis. 🏘️ 🇫🇯 🏝️

Story by Kate Lyons via The Guardian/Climate Desk.

#Fiji #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #Relocation #Community #Government #Climate #Cyclone #Damage #Risk #SouthPacific #Islands #Village

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So do it now. Better late than never.
RT @BrianMcHugh2011
Poll finds that 46 per cent of adults believe bills including food, fuel and energy would not be as high today if earlier action had been taken to tackle climate change


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Mastodon will break 8 million users by tomorrow!

7,925,283 accounts are active.

>2,000 new accounts are being made every hour.

That's 1 million new accounts being made since a week and a half ago.

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It's been two weeks since Elon Musk let Jordan Peterson back on Twitter.

In that time he's posted dozens of tweets about climate change and renewable energy.

They are all textbook examples of climate denial and misinformation.



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I just graphed Mastodon's MONTHLY ACTIVE USERS each day for the month of November.

At the end of October there were 496K active users, and at the end of November there are 2.6M -- that's over 500% growth.

This is just ACTIVE users; there are millions more non-active accounts.

(For comparison, Twitter allegedly has 396.5M monthly active users, or about 152x the active userbase of Mastodon.)

The case for fossil fuels being an energy poverty panacea is not compelling and more likely bogus. 

"A 2019 study in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences found that pollution from burning fossil fuels — like particulates, sulfur oxides, and nitrogen oxides — kills 3.6 million people per year. Conversely, reducing air pollution has massive health, economic, and social benefits. Some researchers have found that the air quality improvements alone more than make up the cost of the transition to clean energy."

"Another worry is that fossil fuel infrastructure is expensive. It can take years to build up the mines, pipelines, and roadways to support power plants and refineries, and these billion-dollar investments can take decades to pay back, creating a long commitment to continue burning fossil fuels. But the world needs to dramatically cut fossil fuel use in the coming years. While the onus is on wealthy countries to make the biggest, most aggressive reductions, eventually every country will need to taper off. That time could come before these fossil fuel investments are paid off, creating stranded assets."

In Alberta, Danielle Smith has introduced “perhaps the most blatantly unconstitutional pile of crap ever introduced in a legislature in modern Canadian history.” 

"the act sets out several troubling ways the Smith government might use the act to “hurt Albertans at least as much (if not more) as it would hurt the interests of the federal government.

For example, by ordering police to ignore federal gun restrictions in Alberta’s cities, putting Albertans in the line of fire.

There is no way that the federal government will allow itself to be seen to be caving in to these antics. That would invite every province to give itself the same kind of power. At that point, the federal government becomes entirely ineffective and the Constitution starts to unravel.”

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@rogermcnamee believes Musk’s impact as CEO will be felt way beyond spheres on the internet: "We have essentially turned over the biggest communication systems in our country-- effectively the places where Democracy takes place-- to a handful of billionaires whose personal politics and personal ambitions are at odds with Democracy."

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I have been here for a couple of weeks now, and I just want to say #ThankYouFedi for the work that all the individuals and teams do to make #mastodon work . At a time of epic commercial failure in social media it is a such a gift to the rest of us that this community of engineers and admins have built a civic space and kept it open . And now they are working their collective socks off to keep it running as we stumble around, finding our way

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I welcome Elon Musk’s statements of intent to get Twitter 2.0 ready for the DSA.

I am pleased to hear that he has read it carefully and considers it as a sensible approach to implement on a worldwide basis.

But let’s also be clear that there is still huge work ahead, as Twitter will have to implement transparent user policies, significantly reinforce content moderation and protect freedom of speech, tackle disinformation with resolve, and limit targeted advertising.

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The longest continously operating atmospheric carbon dioxide monitor has been knocked offline after the eruption of Mauna Loa 🌋 destroyed the power lines (and possibly also the road) supporting the Mauna Loa Observatory.

The world now has many carbon dioxide monitors, so this is no great loss to science, but it is a bit sad that a measurement time series that has run for more than 60 years will be interrupted, possibly for months.

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The 2022 Atlantic hurricane season ends in two hours. It was a little less active than expected but don't tell that to those who endured Ian, one of the worst hurricanes in U.S. history. By

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Yesterday I mentioned a fossil-funded group out spreading lies about offshore wind. Here's the US offshore wind industry forming a coalition to fight back:

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For those of us still wondering whether Merrick Garland will hold Trump and his key enablers accountable in the wake of the Stuart Rhodes' seditious conspiracy verdict: "The department will work tirelessly to hold accountable those responsible for crimes related to the attack on our democracy on Jan. 6th." May it be soon.

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I feel like part of what we’re experiencing in this country, and really in a lot of countries, is the collapse of identity, which in the U.S. used to be rooted in a white, Christian-centered worldview that only had to account for other people when it came to sports and entertainment. The majority now has to cope with the reality of growing political and social equality, and the attendant demands to expand the notion of national history and identity. Some folks are taking it hard.

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I wish I knew about this sooner, edX is a website created by MIT and Harvard and hosts free online courses. I've started taking 'Climate Change: The Science and Global Impact' by the UN's SDG Academy, and it fantastic so far, it's really filling in some of the foundational gaps in my knowledge of current climate science.

This is such a valuable resource, particularly for those who can't afford higher educational resources.

#climatechange #education #climatecrisis #SDGs

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