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Elon Musk is now trying to breathe life into made-up conspiracies about Democratic fundraising and Brazil’s elections. Tesla and SpaceX can go screw themselves. Every purchase and every contract is financing this insanity.

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3 December 1923 | A Polish Jewish woman, Ruth Hermansztadt, was born in Kielce.

In Auschwitz from 30 May 1942.
No. 7544
She was evacuated to Ravensbrück and liberated there.

See an online lesson dedicated to the fate of women Auschwitz:

#Auschwitz #history #Holocaust #Shoah #Jews #women #Ravensbrück #people #education

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@rahmstorf it's not as if. It is exactly that. At some point it will hit home to everybody and sadly I think it will be when it's too late.

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If you protest against the worsening climate disaster, you are punished much harder than if you perform the same actions for other reasons. It’s like those in power have a bad conscience, they know they are failing and angrily lash out against those holding up a mirror to them.
RT @Sophiemcneill
Outrageous decision just now in a Sydney court

Climate activist Violet Coco given 15 month sentence, 8 months no parole after she block…

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"Scientists and advocates have told the Guardian they have become unnerved by a recent resurgence of debunked climate change denialist talking points and memes on Twitter, with the term #ClimateScam now regularly the first result that appears when “climate” is searched on the site."

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We NEED to tell @abdaniellesmith
(blocked) that the Albeta Sovereignty Act is unconstitutional and Albertans oppose to the bill.

Want to help with the organizing? Join here:

Boost quickly and boots widely.

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I've been responding to what I perceive as intelligent but naive questions about climate on a site called Quora for some years.

It too has become rapidly worse over the past few months. I am used to having my expositions attacked by the usual denial pseudoscience, but that's stopped happening.

Now I'm just accused of being foolish or corrupt for trying to, you know, explain what's actually going on.

This Quora/Twitter/etc dynamic launched Mastodon (for me anyway) as a practical alternative.

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New visualization on my #climatechange indicators page - 📈

Now I am showing global temperatures compared to only over land or only over ocean areas. This is all relative to the 1850-1900 pre-industrial baseline. The graphic will be updated monthly now.

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Where's the familiar "face" on the Moon? This is a different perspective on our satellite, via Artemis I.

You can really see the difference between the far and near sides of the Moon here.
#NASA #space #Artemis1

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Nice collaboration on a graphic by @SkepticalScience volunteers Evan Whitby and jg.

The only trigger word is "climate,"* which is sort of unavoidable.

Part of a newly published analogy.

*waving extraneous flags explodes rationality and erects communications barriers.


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1 December 1921 | A Dutch Jewish woman, Sophia Brandel, was born in Rotterdam.

In August 1942 she was deported to Auschwitz. She did not survive.

Learn about the fate of Jews deported from the German-occupied Netherlands to Auschwitz:

#Auschwitz #Birkenau #Holocaust #Shoah #Jews #history #ww2 #WorldWar2 #woman #people #education #NeverForget #remember #Netherlands #Rotterdam

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The #USMilitary was one of the first institutions in government to acknowledge the threat posed by #ClimateChange, as well as the science behind it, and yet it remains the largest single energy consumer in the country and the largest institutional greenhouse gas emitter in the world. To talk through this strategic disconnect, Lawfare managing editor Tyler McBrien sat down with Dr. Neta Crawford on the Lawfare Podcast.

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The US Senate held a hearing on cryptocurrency regulation today.

But they've all got it wrong: cryptocurrency shouldn't be regulated, it should be banned.

It's money laundering and sanctions evasion for organized crime and rogue nations, with a side effect of greenhouse gas emissions.
#senate #cryptocurrency #ClimateChange

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BREAKING - Massive gas project rejected by Federal court

Gas giant #Santos has LOST its bid to restart drilling at the A$4.7 billion #Barossa offshore gas project in Australia.

Santos previously described the Barossa project as the biggest oil and gas investment in Australia in a decade.

Today's decision sends a message to all gas companies.

Reporting by ABC:

#climate #climatechange #gas #australia #japan #southkorea #korea #darwin #tiwi #media #news #breakingnews #energy #mining #exploration #ieefa #oilandgas #pipeline #law #court #environment

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#Pliocene-Like #Monsoons Are Returning to the American Southwest:

"As carbon concentrations rise, conditions are becoming more like they were 3 million years ago, when the area was wetter and the rain was heavier" 👇

#CO2 #ClimateChange #climatecrisis

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@Rjdlandscapes sigh x2 … why is this so hard to understande/accept by many humans?? … coincidentally those in charge of big #Bussiness and #policymaking. We, as a collective of ppl, can pressure those in #power to change by choosing wiser solutions, being critical and outspoken abt mistakes such as #carbonoffsets. We must not let #consumism and #marketing rule over our lives. Let’s change our #mindset and search for a #sustainable way to be #happy. #stopCO2 #climatechange

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So (surprise!) forest carbon offsets dont help against climate change.

Its an accountants way of doing magic instead of making real changes.

Same as anyone promising 'net zero by 2050'

We need #climateChange action now, real action. We need to stop burning stuff.

Yes we can plant trees and look at CC later. Theres no point until we stop releasing more co2.


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