@debrastorr @centralbylines We'll call it a "Fashloop" then. Repeat hate over and over again......
@BackFromTheDud @centralbylines He is a tad deranged.
They didn't understand the GFA.
@KernowDamo Thank goodness I am Scottish. What a farcical system the UK has
@kamado God's country, though I am an exile.
When God was creating the world he made my land with great hills and mountains. Lovely Glens and valleys. A people with a wicked sense of humour.
The Israelites raised a concern. They are after all the chosen people. The crux pf the Israelites concern was why is Scotland so wonderful yet we, not the Scots, are the chosen people.
God thought for a minute. And said okay I see your point.
So I will disadvantage Scotland by sticking England below them!!
Back before #TwitterMigration , @atomicpoet said:
“network effect isn't just about how many people you reach, but who you reach.”
“You got to consider who is on #Twitter, and why Twitter's network effect is so important to many people. For better or worse, Twitter is where celebrities, media, politicians, and CEOs congregate. Sure, more people use #Facebook
but the cultural influence is on Twitter.”
I would also add CTOs to that list too.
So why is this important for the #fediverse ‽ —
@lizneedhamSTAR @TheBossRoss I figured that lol.
@lizneedhamSTAR @TheBossRoss And of course you realise Barak Obama is Irish
@lizneedhamSTAR @TheBossRoss like me you are a facet of Englishness. okay we are the superior race being Woke celts..lol
Of course St Albans need Lizzie Needham rockin in the Dail for us..
note: Lizzie is needed to fit in with the tune
@lizneedhamSTAR @TheBossRoss it gives me a nice feeling when facets of English life emerge that are not to do with nostalgia driven exceptionalism.
You are indeed as woke as a woke thing.
@lizneedhamSTAR @TheBossRoss As an addendum. I read your profile.
I loved your 'woke as a woke thing'
@lizneedhamSTAR @TheBossRoss Wow. Well done you ..
I reckon they have to live somewhere lol.
They are an interesting family, their mum and dad were mathematicians.
It figures he would live in a Lib Dem area lol ..
I have found a brexit benefit.
Brexit has brought a lot of like minded people together on social mediA.
Some of who I actually regard as friends, even although I will never meet them.
Tim Berners-Lee created a means for like minded people to communicate without ever actually meeting..
@TheBossRoss I knew you were interesting ..
High time for my #introduction
Homebased in Germany. Education in Iowa before it was fashionable 😉 & Scotland before it was dragged out of the EU. Brexit exilee (don't get me started).
Interests: news & travel, political cartoons & science, migration & immigration.
Fmr officer in lots of things, among them Australian migration, int. exchange/education programs & govt consultancy.
Unapologetically pro people, coffee, freedom of movement, empathy, migration, knitting & facts (the real ones).
You just pin your last tweet, Pete,
Request your archive, Clive,
You don’t need a blue tick, Vic,
Just get yourself free.
Hop on the tusk, Gus,
You don’t need to delete much,
Except your DMs, Jen,
And get yourself free.
Use Debirdify, Di,
Provide some alt tags, Mags,
Add a content warning, Tim,
To post sensitively.
Remember to boost, Ruth
You don't need to deny truth,
Just drop off the perch, Dirk,
And get yourself free.
#VerseThurday #TwitterMigration #FediTips
Would you be able to give this a push please? Gratitude 🙂
@PeterStefanovi2@twitter.com @DeborahMeaden@twitter.com @StephenMcGann@twitter.com @reece_dinsdale@twitter.com @RussInCheshire@twitter.com @StevePeers@twitter.com @PeterStefanovi2@twitter.com @Otto_English@twitter.com @Ottojizzmark@twitter.com @lewis_goodall@twitter.com @HackedOffHugh@twitter.com @Femi_Sorry@twitter.com @IanDunt@twitter.com
Got laid off today! Whoo!
If anyone knows of a place looking for a remote front-end web dev (#react #reactjs #javascript #html #css), Unity dev (#unity #unity3D #csharp #gamedev #indiedev #dotnet), Game designer (#gamedesign #leveldesign #gameplay #gameplaydesign), Stream producer (#obs #obsstudio #twitch #streaming #ttrpg #ttrpghive), or Generalist programmer, hit me up!
Shoot some recommendations my way, DM, email, etc
Also if you could boost this, that would be very appreciated!
Thanks 🙃
Scottish bloke. Just entered 62nd year, and wonders how the heck that happened! Student of hee haw nada, drinks tea and whisky. A wee bit autistic, likes learning stuff. “Object of life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane”… Marcus Aurelius Migrating from Twitter. My introduction {less typos and grammatical glitches .. did I say I was #neurologically #diverged https://qoto.org/@ComradePangloss/109541654260392883