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Question for network hackers (please boost).

What's the safest way to prove that the ethernet responding to a certain public IP (v4) is located in a certain nation (or at least continent)?

I mean, I can use a geolocation db but I guess it could be outdated. Trace routing the IP and geolocating each hop through the db? Maybe better but... is there an even better way?

The first transfer was cancelled for some reason. So I get my money back and send it all over again.
On my receipt...
"Service Type: MONEY IN MINUTES"
"We're reviewing the money transfer, it typically takes us 2 hours to complete."
I payed $6 for this BS.


New legislation in France give law inforcement a host of surveillance powers, like the expanded ability to use drones and deploy body cameras transmitting live feeds. But most alarmingly, the bill would make it illegal to publicly share images of police.


Wish someone would release Noir with blood edited in.

Train to fight. Fight to win! Think I'll take this outside for some upside down target shooting.

There's always some virus or disease going around that'll wipe out 1% life on this miserable little planet. What's new is that people wanna shut down the US economy. That kinda makes our unemployed neighbors more dangerous than the virus, IMO.

Really liking this "Sniper" light and green laser combo I got from amazon. Rock solid. The KSG has worked with both 3" and short shells and I really like it having what is closer to a decent ammo capacity. It's not as light or nimble as a handgun and the recoil is far from the light bump of an AR, but there is little in small arms that comes close to the destructive power of 12 guage.

Everything is going to be ok. I mean, it really isn't going to be ok but you can pretend it will be. Things are going to get worse. It will get harder and harder to keep the bills paid and food on the table. The problem is that they're all crooks. They are the same people that own 90 percent of this country and they use the government to protect their own interests. They are greedy and they will not stop until they literally own everything and everyone. It's the same in every country. The human race doesn't deserve to exist forever, nor should it. So get off reddit and stop following politics. Stop getting bummed when our rights are infringed upon and another small business shuts down. Enjoy the spin down the drain. I'm not saying you shouldn't do anything to fight the corruption... Just don't let it eat you up so much.

Qoto Mastodon

QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance
All cultures welcome.
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