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*Psychology Repository Update*

We've just crossed the 500 mark and now have 502 people on the Psychologists on Mastodon list!

Thanks to everyone who has contributed so far. With so many new people having joined, you may want to review the updated list and see if you want to follow the new people.

To be added complete this form:

I update the list on at least a weekly basis. You can also let me know directly if you need your details updated.

The Twitter Apocalypse apparently cloned me.

When I first joined Mastodon, I had several failed attempts at creating an account. QOTO was (I thought) the first one that worked. Lo and behold... this morning I received a news communique from SDF. Apparently my SDF account was "confirmed" without actually requesting confirmation from me. That's somewhat disturbing. Nonetheless, now I have two "DoctorRinny" instances.

I'm not sure what I'm going to do with my SDF account... but I guess things happen for a reason. It will hang around for the time being, likely languishing.

Filed under: I successfully cloned myself... now if only I can get my clone to do half of my work.

Hi all!
I am an engineer and software developer focused on tools for research, especially for extracellular . Core developer of @spikeinterface.

Currently working with the Allen Institute of Neural Dynamics to build efficient and automated pipelines for large-scale ephys analysis. Also working part-time with CatlystNeuro, helping labs to adopt open-source and standard solutions for analysis and data storage.
I'm also interested in biophysical , , and approaches to probe neural activity.

I vividly recall my first HP Pocket Calculator with Reverse Polish Notation I had during my undergraduate studies:

I see a lot of #introduction posts coinciding with the #TwitterMigration and having been #boost these posts.

My name is Jordan. I’m a current graduate student at Columbia and a research assistant at the New York State Psychiatric Institute doing #neuropsychology assessment and testing. Additionally, I’m writing on and researching #ketamine , #depression , and suicidality.

My interests are #psychology and #neuroscience

I’m also interested in #chess and Muay Thai

I just received my Ohmic Electronics PÚCA development board. I crowd funded this on It uses an ESP-32 core combined with on-board microphones, audio I/O, GPIO, Bluetooth, WiFi and a USB-C port. I want to get started off using this for some hobby audio and music projects, but it could also be useful for my research.

#esp32 #audio #devboard #puca #ohmic

What to expect on my account ⤵️

- Glamorous #postdoclife: Pain ⚡, placebos/nocebos 💊, & the (social) brain 🧠
- Everything #scicomm / #wisskomm 💬
- #OpenScience & open scholarship 👩‍🔬
- Feminist readings @fem_abc 📚
- Extensive plant obsession 🌵

Hi everyone! I am a researcher based at the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research in Pretoria, South Africa. I am interested in and . I've been doing policy type of work for awhile and it's become apparent that should be a big part of that, so I'm here for those conversations too. Also keen on for applications and innovative monitoring methods such as and currently dabbling in using for research. That was super long, hope you're still reading! Anyway, I'm really sad about twitter (which I'll still be on until it dies) but hoping to find a new global community on here. Also keen on second hand book shopping, the "idea" of hiking (haven't gotten around to actual hiking yet) and . Okay I'll stop now :) Still figuring this out!

Hello! Very much looking forward to starting a new chapter here. Browsing through an old box in the garage just now, I found these, and for some reason I thought it would make an appropriate first post. My 1990's computing history.

I’m going to make a thread of our #PsyTeachR resources. We’re a group of psychologists at #UniversityOfGlasgow who are passionate about teaching #OpenScience. We love #rstats, but the R actually stands for #reproducibility. We’ve made a series of textbooks for undergrad and postgrad methods, plus some other resources. All our materials are CC-BY-SA, so you freely use and adapt them.

Data visualisation using R, for researchers who don't use R by @emilynordmann, @mcaleerp, Wil Toivo, @HelenaPaterson & @debruine

In this tutorial, we provide a practical introduction to data visualisation using R, specifically aimed at researchers who have little to no prior experience of using R.

My friend Greg Appelbaum (not on mastodon) is hiring TWO Clinical Research Coordinators to join his team in the Interventional Psychiatry Program in San Diego! He is a great and super fun person to work with 💃🏻

#hiring, #CRC, #neuroscience, #psychiatry, #TMS, #EEG, #MRI, #fMRI

The problem with grouping posters based on topics is... There are so many posters I wish to see at the same time as our poster 🙃🙃🙃

If I'm not at my poster tomorrow catch me at a neighbor's 😅😅#psynom22

Me showing off research where much of the work is thanks to my talented colleagues. #psynom22

#neuro or #neuroscience seem to be a bit underrepresented on here. Also, I’m having issues finding anyone….

#introduction I'm a neuroscientist at Oxford and UCL. I spend most of my time thinking about the front of the brain and how it controls behaviour. Sometimes this leads me backwards, but never really further back than hippocampus. I am also deputy editor at eLife so you can shout at me for that if you like.

It looks like this platform might finally become more populated, so let me (re)introduce this page.

Neurofrontiers is a bilingual blog about interesting neuroscience topics that tries to be accessible to the broader public while still maintaining scientific accuracy. It's run by a team of three people: a computational neuroscientist, a psychologist, and a graphic designer. We think that being on social media allows us to stay up-to-date with the most recent discussions in science and hope to be able to connect with like-minded individuals.

Posting interests below so we show up in mutual searches:

#introduction (moving to

Hi! I am a cognitive neuroscientist interested in attentional fluctuations and mind wandering, learning and decision-making, non-invasive brain stimulation and computational methods.

I also like dabbling in statistical modelling and all kinds of quantitative methods. Passionate user of #rstats and #python.

Looking for #science #psych #neuro #stats and more!

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