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One of the last organisms I shot in 2022 is a cool one: Jerdon's Baza (Aviceda jerdoni), spotted at Coney Island, Singapore, on 26 Dec 2022. I was told this uncommon migrant was there, but I like to walk around instead of waiting at one spot for hours, so I didn't really expect to see it. But it appeared anyway. 🙂

On iNaturalist [ ]

I will be posting more sightings after the New Year. Happy Holidays!

#iNaturalist #Nature #Singapore #Photography #Birds #Aves

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Dr. Cat boosted

Orion over Chelmsford last night. Tried a deep sky stacking app on phone.

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@greengaybles well, that sounds terrible! Seems crazy they would just go home and leave it broken. What exactly do they expect you to do in the meantime?

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Yeah, I gotta say I worry what 2023 has in store. Here's to hoping for the best.

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Mastodon! Allow me to introduce something magical that happens in our household around this time of year: Christmas Tree Henge! 🎄✨

The sun hardly ever makes it into the flat in December...except for a period of around 10 minutes close to noon, when it breaks through a gap between the houses opposite and just exactly hits the Christmas tree in our big bay window.

At least once each festive season the cry will go up: "It's henging!" and we both rush around frantically with cameras


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Three Actias moths, found on high ground around Chiang Mai in the rainy season. Actias maenas, Actias rhodopneuma and Actias selene. Who needs Christmas decorations? #moths #lepidoptera #insects #nature

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12 Mimics for Christmas Dec 26th

An ice-born predator, the slaying mimic appears as an abandoned sleigh on the snow. It uses the chilled climate to its advantage. It waits until potential meals are within striking distance and crushes them under rails. Those that survive, and even those that do not, are stuck to the sleigh as it continues on its bloody path. It's easy to track this mimic by the trail of frozen gore.

#dnd #dnd5e #dungeonsanddragons #ttrpg #horrorrpg

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I just thought to compare pictures of Julia to see how much she has grown. This is Oct 20th and Dec 19th.
#Cat #Cats #CatsOfMastodon

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Dr. Cat boosted

I really don't care if QTs happen on this site, or don't happen. What's much more informative and important to me, is how this conversation is unfolding, and what is prioritized. I've heard everything from "The Black perspective isn't real" to "You Twitter refugees!" from folks with account create dates in November, talking to Black folk here since 2017🤷🏿‍♂️

People are talking about QTs the same way they talk about 4chan and Kiwi farms. I don't know how to explain to people how ridiculous that is.

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Dr. Cat boosted

We just took in this very sad-looking #cat off the streets. He was abandoned by his owner almost a year ago, and now is the only time we can take him in. He has already given me a lot of cheek rubs and even showed me his belly. #adoptDontShop #rescue #catsOfMastodon #foreverHome

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Found on Reddit. Explains some misconceptions about #aiart and how it's not "copying" or "stealing" nicely.

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"Und wie ernähren Sie sich so ?"
"Mund auf, Nahrung rein."
"Ich meine, achten sie dabei auf irgendwas ?"
"Ja, daß ich mir nicht auf die Zunge beiße."

Dr. Cat boosted

Today I present you the MAGESTIC Taiwan Blue Magpie!

While beautiful, they are not afraid of people and they have strong nest defense behavior. According to locals, it is not uncommon for them to swoop down onto humans from trees and peck their heads!

📷 Danny Khoo Photography, 2018

#birds #bird #photography #photos #photo #nature #amazing #taiwan #bluemagpie #headpeckers!

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