Here is clear example how some "entity" wants more than peaceful protests. This guy who looks like he has dyed blue hair and sunglasses, gets handled by a small group of peaceful protesters and the first thing he worries about is keeping his glasses on. Obviously trying to protect his identity. He carries a hammer to the protest to make projectiles out of things on site. Unfortunately, the cops can't wade into the protest line to stop him from breaking apart the street. It's a discouraged tactic because police will disappear in the crowd. Either way, this is extremely fishy. Who is planting these people or who are they in general? Any Thoughts?
Social media is making things worse. I worry that education re logic is severely lacking and that people are not being taught how to think critically. If grievances are not addressed, violence will result-so says most studies. I give you the Patriots at the Boston massacre and the Boston tea party who revolted, mostly, over a tax... It can provoke good social outcomes IF the issues aren't otherwise addressed.
"This is an easy truth for those on the center-right to see. Hatred. It’s what the left does, and it’s a sign of who leftists have become. Let me say this, this hatred appears unquenchable, and totally evil."
This is a cool study and raises some questions:
Study of #COVID19 clusters associated with fitness dance classes in South Korea. Interestingly, participants in yoga and Pilates classes sharing the same venue were not infected. Vigorous exercise in enclosed spaces is risky, even in small groups.
This is interesting:
Obamagate in short:
Flynn was set up to blackmail him into committing perjury against the president of the United States.
The setup started when Obama was still president, but was the outgoing administration. Trump had been elected, but not yet in office.
Biden approved illegal spying on people in the Trump campaign. We now know that in the end, this illegal spying was used to manufacture blackmail material on Flynn, which material we now know, though loosely based on real facts obtained in large part by illegal spying, was forged.
We don't have any proof that Obama ordered this illegal spying, but we do know he was in the loop, we do know he was kept closely informed of the result of this spying.
Since they could not get any dirt on Flynn, they tried to get him to lie to the FBI - which is normally a couple of weeks in jail, but with a cooperative judge, can be forty years in jail. He did not lie, so the record of his conversation with the FBI was altered.
Flynn pled guilty in return for clemency, after being financially ruined by endless legal action - the process is the punishment. After he pled guilty, the prosecution reneged on the deal, and called for the most severe penalty, because he had failed to commit perjury against Trump. They lied about him, then they lied to him.
So, Flynn clean as a whistle (otherwise it would not have been necessary to rewrite the 302 of his conversation with the FBI) the FBI, the DoJ, the Fisa court, and the Mueller investigation up to its neck in criminal acts, and these criminal acts started with illegal spying, which illegal spying came from the top of the Obama administration, with Obama in the loop.
Interesting sample of dictatorial control.
Your racist Facebook uncle may have sent you a link to a trailer for "Plandemic," a conspiracy movie that stars a disgraced virologist called Judy Mikovits who makes a string of claims about her credentials and the coronavirus.
Science Magazine evaluated those claims.
Unsurprisingly, the majority of claims that Mikovits makes about her credentials and the science of coronavirus are provably false.
I'm assuming, if you're on this platform, you appreciate the liberty the platform provides. This makes me ask if anyone else is tracking this video. I guess it was taken down a few times. Is there really a conspiracy?
Here's a dude doing what he does best making top notch stuff.
Anyone see this guy's 3D print chops! This is his second version of this mask.
Superior design skills:
Hi fam! I downloaded Pycharm IDE to practice python. I’m a way beginner and am looking to become better. Can anyone point me toward better resources for learning how Pycharm works? The Jetbrain site is terrible and I can figure out how to get started smoothly.
Western “justice” systems threaten people with massive punishments in order to extract false confessions ALL THE TIME.
No single person understands the law, they can always get people for something, it’s over-complicated – all by design, in order to control and abuse people.
Full-List of bots:
Here’s something interesting:
Barr appointed Jensen earlier this year to look into the handling of Flynn’s case. As part of the review, Jensen turned up handwritten notes from a senior FBI official which describe a discussion about the purpose of interviewing Flynn: “What’s our goal? Truth/admission or to get him to lie, so we can prosecute him or get him fired?” the official wrote.
Highlight from this article:
DOJ drops Michael Flynn case | Epoch Times
Hi, New to decentralized social media... social media in general.
I chose Mastodon because if its uncensored nature and chose QOTO.ORG because of its philosophy.
| Rookie Coder | Intrigued with: Urbit, Tails, Private Hosted Social, Hedera, | Cyber security | Liberty |