Short Update - Mt Etna, Sicily - 08.07.24

During the first few days of July, the Strombolian activity in Etna's Voragine summit crater continued to intensify and the tremor reached a high level. On 4 July, the activity increased to the emission of lava fountains, which generated a high eruption column. Ash fell on the south-east flank of Etna and also reached the city Catania. Activity in the Voragine ended in the early hours of 5 July.
On 6 July, mild Strombolian activity began again in the Voragine. During the night of 7 July, this increased to the release of lava fountains. The eruption column was bent to the east and there was rain of ash from Zafferana to Giarre. At the same time, a lava flow was emitted from the summit crater Bocca Nuova, which flowed down the Central Crater cone in a westerly direction. The paroxysm ended in the morning, but there were further ash emissions until the evening.

You can find more information on my website (German language).

Some pictures I took in the morning on the south flank at 1900 m...

Lava and smoke rise from a crater of Mount Etna, Europe's most active volcano, Italy. REUTERS/Etna Walk/Giuseppe Di Stefano


Here some Pictures I took on 03 - 04/07/24 on Stromboli, where eruptive activity was unusualy high and generated ash clouds, ash rain on the villages and pyroclastic flows in to the ocean.

Short Update - Mt Etna, Sicily - 21.06.24

Over the past few nights, sporadic glow was visible above Mt Etna's La Voragine, caused by mild strombolian activity in this summit crater. The activity started on 15 June on the inner crater wall of the intracrater cone formed during the 2019 eruptive activity. Videos taken by Michele Mammino show that the original single vent has expanded into a small fissure with several active openings.
Etna's other summit craters are still quiet, emitting only gas.
Volcanic tremor increased only slightly at the beginning of the eruption and is still relatively low.

You can find more information on my website (German language).

Video of the initial activity at Voragine by Michele Mammino :

Update on the #Iceland #Volcano by #Geology prof Shawn Willsey of the Collage Of Southern Spudsylvania, er Idaho.

Short update - Mt Etna, Sicily - 14.04.24

On April 7, an explosive ash emission occurred at the summit crater Bocca Nuova. This caused a large area of the southern crater floor to collapse. After this event, the volcanic tremor dropped and continued to decrease and has now reached a low level.
The activity at the new vent of the Southeast Crater, which has been producing pulsating glow (Strombolian activity or emission of hot gas) and many gas rings since April 2, also decreased significantly after the explosion in the Bocca Nuova.
Today there were again isolated ash emissions from Bocca Nuova and from the new vent of the Southeast Crater.

You can find more information on my website (German language).

This INGV webcam photo taken from the upper south eastern flank of the mountain on the afternoon of April 7, shows the explosve ash emissin from the Bocca Nuova and gas rings from the Southeast Crater:

#TIL volcanoes can puff out “smoke rings” - although the rings are not actually smoke, but rather water vapor. The phenomena is something akin to contrails. Mesemerizing!


Short update - Mt Etna, Sicily - 04.04.24

After more than three months of quiet gas emissions, mild Strombolian activity began on Mt Etna on the evening of April 2. The small explosions occurred at a vent on the upper northern flank of the New South East Crater. On the day of April 3rd, many gas rings were produced by the vent. During the night of April 4th, the Strombolian activity was somewhat weaker again. The activity phase was accompanied by an increase in tremor.

You can find more information on my website (German language).

This INGV webcam photo taken from the eastern flank of the mountain on the evening of April 2, shows the strombolian activity as a small reddish spot:

Short update - Mt Etna, Sicily - 29.12.23

Two isolated explosions occurred at the South East Crater complex last week. A significant enlargement of the north-western pit was observed in Bocca Nuova. The tremor remained at a medium level.

You can find more information on my website (German language).

This INGV webcam photo shows the explosion at the Southeast Crater Complex, which occurred in the early hours of 23 December from an easterly direction. The eastern flank of the New Southeast Crater is covered with incandescent material and an ash cloud stands above the cone. The scene is almost outshone by the bright light of the setting moon:

Short update - Mt Etna, Sicily - 22.12.23

During the last week, the unrest at Mt. Etna increased again, as there were isolated explosions at both Bocca Nuova and the South East Crater complex. However, the seismic activity decreased and the tremor remained unchanged.

You can find more information on my website (German language).

This INGV webcam photo shows an explosive emission of gas and brownish ash from Bocca Nuova summit crater:

Short update - Mt Etna, Sicily - 08.12.23

Following the paroxysm at the South Eeast Crater complex, only the usual gas emissions occurred at Mt Etna last week. The tremor remained at a medium level.

You can find more information on my website (German language).


Are you sure that this photo was taken on 6 Dec. ? Checked all webcams and reports, but nothing to see there. Think it is an old photo!

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