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Hello everyone!
My name is Oliver Beck. I'm here mainly to report on the current activity of the Mt Etna volcano. I was infected by the volcano virus as an 11-year-old boy when I visited Etna in the summer of 1979 and was able to observe explosive activity directly at the summit craters. In 2002 I returned to the mountain and in 2004 I started to report regularly about Mt Etna in German language on my website. Since then I have climbed the volcano many times and experienced several .
Of course I am also interested in other volcanoes (LaPalma, Stromboli, Turrialba and many more) and volcanology in general. I love stones and minerals and their chemistry. So I hope to learn more here as well. I live in Hesse (Germany) on the edge of the Vogelsberg. This is the largest extinct volcanic area in Europe. I love nature and hiking. I like to visit abandoned quarries, which reveal a lot about the former activity of the Vogelsberg. So I will also report about my backyard geology here from time to time.
I work as a laboratory assistant at a large pharmaceutical company, where I deal with instrumental analysis (GC, HPLC). My focus is not only on chemistry, but also on Chromatography Data System support and software development. Besides volcanology, programming is another of my great passions. At the moment I work a lot with C#, VBA and SQL. It all started with a Commodore 64, where after BASIC I soon switched to Assembler and then to Pascal. Later I worked a lot with Perl, C++, Java and Javascript.
Other interests of mine are my garden, cooking and my Sphinx cats.

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#volcan #volcano #Etna La coulée, longue d'environ 1900m sur l'image, et les émissions de cendres vues depuis l'espace le 10/02/The nearly 1900 m long (on the picture) lava flow and ash emissions seen from space on 10/02

#volcan #volcano #Etna Des émissions de cendres, modestes, ont commencé au sommet; localisation de la source incertaine à ce stade, peut-être le nouvel évent repéré le 07/02/Weak ash emissions began fron the summit area; localisation of the source unclear, maybe the new vent observed on the 07/02 sat picture

#volcan #volcano #Etna L'éruption se poursuit et a légèrement gagné en intensité vers 01h00 TU/Eruption is ongoing and is a bit more intense since 01h00 TU

Short update - Mt Etna, Sicily - 08.02.2025

As reported by INGV, the emission of a lava flow was observed this evening at 18:35 at the south-eastern base of Mt Etna's summit crater Bocca Nuova. The lava flow originates from a point at an altitude of 3000 metres between Bocca Nuova and the Southeast Crater complex and is moving towards Monte Frumento Supino.
As further reported, mild explosive activity had already occurred temporarily at the Southeast Crater on 6 February. Today the tremor was at a medium level with fluctuations. The source of the tremor was below the Southeast Crater at an altitude of 2800 - 3000 metres. The infrasound activity was very low today, while it was moderate on the previous days and emanated from the Southeast Crater. Only a very small deformation of the volcanic edifice was measured (tenths of a microradian at Cratere del Piano station).

In this context, it is interesting to note that a new thermal anomaly was detected today during the overflight of the Sentinel-2 satellite. It was located on the upper eastern flank of Bocca Nuova. It is possible that a new vent has opened there that either only emitted hot gas or has developed into the effusive vent that feeds the new lava flow.

This INGV webcam photo from this evening shows the situation at the southern base of Bocca Nuova or the Central Crater cone. Two glowing areas can be seen in the left half of the image, which mark the course of the lava flow. The upper, more easterly section of the lava flow probably lies behind the lava fields of the South East Crater and is therefore presumably obscured:

#volcan #volcano #Etna Une zone d'activité fumerolienne à haute T° est apparue sur le haut versant est de la Bocca Nuova, hors du cratère/A new vent of hight T° gaz release appeared on the upper east flank of the Bocca Nuova, outside of the crater

After a month of increased #seismic activity in #Ethiopia, rumours of a #volcanic #eruption spread. From videos (eg links below) it is clear that heat is close to the surface, leading to boiling mud and steam appearing and a #mud #volcano, comparable to eg. Icelandic sites. No real #volcano with erupting #lava. Yet?

Short update - Mt Etna, Sicily - 31.12.24

Since mid-November, there has been calm gas emission at the summit craters of Mt Etna, which is mainly concentrated on the Voragine and the New South East Crater.

Previously, the 7th paroxysm of 2024 had occurred at Voragine on 10 November. The summit crater produced lava fountains during very bad weather conditions and released a short lava flow. Ash fell on the villages on the eastern flank of Mt Etna. In July and August, the paroxysmal episodes of the Voragine produced lava fountains up to 1000 metres high and the ash rain led to the closure of Catania's international airport on several occasions. A new intracrater cone grew in the Voragine and the lava flows buried the crater of the Bocca Nuova and flowed down the south-western to western flank of the Central Crater cone. As a result of this violent activity, the Voragine grew in height and became the highest point of the mountain at 3404 metres.

This INGV webcam photo from the morning of 26 December shows the New South East Crater in the centre of the image, which continues to emit gas. To the right above the South East Crater, you can see the Voragine, which continues to emit gas. To the right is the Northeast Crater, which is currently emitting a white vapour cloud:

Very good day to finally really delete your Twitter account.

#volcan #volcano #Etna Dernier paroxysme en date le 10/11/2024, dans les nuages/Last paroxysmale sequence was on 10/11/2024, in the clouds

Today's #fossilfriday is really a lack of fossils! The picture is of the K-Pg (Cretaceous-Paleogene layer). Below that layer you find fossils of (non-avian) dinosaurs, and above it you don't! It was incredible to see it in person and realize that we were looking at evidence of one of the largest extinction events the planet has ever seen.

This picture was taken at Knudsen's Farm, near Dry Island Buffalo Jump, during a 2023 field trip.

#palaeontology #paleontology #ab #alberta #fossils #kpg

US Presidential Election 

The closing message of the Trump campaign being 'look, squirrel!' and that squirrel turning out to be owned by a porn star is arguably the perfect summation of the Trump campaign.

No depth, no sense, no vetting.

November 2, 1928, Mount Etna on Sicily erupts with one of strongest eruptions in the 20th century.
The photo shows the village of Mascali invaded slowly by a blocky high-viscosity Aʻā-lava flow.

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