@selea @lauteshirn @onlmaps I find it interesting which directions the figures go: most EU+ go west (left), most post-soviet go east (right) and then there are undecided Poles, British (always in a need to be different), Estonians and Cypriots. Maybe this secretly reflects something in the geopolitical leanings of societies? Intriguing...
@FailForward It reflects on the fact that everyone is walking away from Poland
@Palanix Good point.
Though something's still odd with the Baltics...
@FailForward @selea @lauteshirn @onlmaps Ireland seems to be Britain but flipped horizontally too?
@dheadshot @FailForward @lauteshirn @onlmaps
No they are just walking away from the brits
Yeah I thought about it too
@lauteshirn @onlmaps