Of course I know these places, lived in the city for some years. Sometimes it really is a pity that such districts were built with a very utilitarian mindset - this is what **we** need. Instead of thinking from people's perspective - this is what the future inhabitants of this district would need.
I don't think it is only about building residential areas. Nobody wants to move to a gray concrete blocks neighborhood. What is actually missing in that photo of yours are **trees** and **grass** and rest areas. That's what attracts people to spend time in a neighborhood. And it's not too expensive either.
@piggo @pony I see. What I meant more was something like this (just a random google image search for "livable street"). Nothing fancy, just stuff making people naturally slow down and stay a bit. Instead of leaving. Even a nice park behind a corner exactly does not make it.
But none of these are fixed and can be fixed later after the thing is built. So let's hope for good.
@pony I see the two you have never enough of this fun 😄