Why is leaving the Google and Apple mobile ecosystem a thing?
Because, even if you opt out of whatever the OS offers, you are still leaking data to them at an unacceptable rate.
@FroehlichMarcel this doesn’t make me happy ☹️
@duncanhart Neither me. But ignoring it is not helpful either. I won't get rid of my business phone, but I will test drive alternatives on personal family devices. It is not so much a problem on a personal, but it is not a good development on societal level. The asymmetry of information is too big.
@FroehlichMarcel I’m waiting for my Librem 5. The loss of personal agency bugs me. If I have to make a Faustian pact to benefit from access and convenience I also want the option to temporarily go dark.
Looks good - love the physical switches. I discovered a bargain option and got a new Siemens phone with similar specs at amazon.de for about USD 140 = EUR 115, which is ready for /e/OS.
@FroehlichMarcel pls let me know how it goes, am interested to hear of your experience with /e/OS.
It is installed. Not a task for people w/o expertise in everything Linux command line etc. Didn’t work immediately, as it required a specific version of the Android platform tools for Linux. But the result looks very promising. Probably the key step to escape tracking.