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In a Push for Green #Energy, One Federal Agency Made #Tribes an Offer They Had to Refuse

By @Toastie, High Country News

The Yakama Nation wanted to consult on the development of a project on sacred land.

But when the #tribal nation refused to disclose confidential information, the agency moved forward without tribal input.

#News #NativeAmerican #Government #Environment

"A prime mover behind the Shirion Collective, a conspiracy-minded, pro-Israel disinformation network seeking to shape public opinion about the Gaza conflict in the US, Australia and the UK, is a tech entrepreneur named Daniel Linden living in Florida who co-wrote a guidebook for OnlyFans users, the Guardian can reveal."

The New York Times covered Biden’s response to a protest outside Adas Torah synagogue in LA without mentioning that the synagogue was hosting a sale of Palestinian land in the West Bank!

This is not journalism, it’s propaganda. I’m meant to conclude that protestors are targeting Jews qua Jews, and that as a Jew, I should fear and hate them. When in reality I agree with them that sale of occupied land is a war crime! #FreePalestine

How does a place called "McCook Lake" turn into a raging river? A quick glance at a satellite view shows that this is apparently an old river channel. A person in the article notes with gratitude the temporary levee work done by the South Dakota state government and states “This is why we pay taxes everybody complains about paying taxes that’s why we are here it saved us,”, Taxpayers in general might be better off with governments that regulated where people build.

@Vincarsi @RickiTarr

As the father of a teenage daughter who needs assistance in the bathroom, non-gendered bathrooms should be everywhere.

WaPo: “Many voters express resignation, dismay, anger over being asked to choose between Biden and Trump again”


If you can’t see what an existential threat a Trump presidency would do to America and THE REST OF THE WORLD, I pity you. But I promise, your world will be a LOT different if you don’t vote for Biden and not different in any good, measurable way.

Get over yourself and see beyond your own narrow interests. Voting isn’t marriage. You’re not going to find The One.

@gemelliz The function of right-wing governance is to transfer public money to private hands. It's the modern version of what plutocrats have always done: concentrate wealth into the hands of those who do the least (if any) productive labour.

Over the past several years, California’s water managers have seen a pattern emerge in farming areas of the Central Valley: Even as declining groundwater levels have left thousands of residents with dry wells and caused the ground to sink, counties have continued granting permits for agricultural landowners to drill new wells and pump even more water. A bill aimed at addressing these problems was rejected in the state Senate, despite support from the Newsom administration

When the James Webb Space Telescope was launched at the end of 2021, we expected stunning images and illuminating scientific results.

So far, the powerful space #telescope has lived up to our expectations.

The #JWST has shown us things about the early #universe we never anticipated.

Some of those results are forcing a rewrite of #astronomy textbooks.

#astrophysics #cosmology

In a ruling delivered Friday, the Supreme Court decided 6–3 that 💥U.S. citizens have no constitutional interestin their noncitizen spouses being able to enter the United States💥
—despite the obvious fact that a married person has an inherent interest in their spouse being able to live in the same country as they do.
Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor warned the ruling is a clear sign the court will seek to overturn protections for marriage equality next.
Sotomayor issued a dire warning in her dissent, accusing the conservative supermajority of chipping away at constitutional protections for married couples
and saying they’re making “the same fatal error” as they did in Dobbs v. Jackson, the 2022 Supreme Court ruling that overturned federal abortion protections.

“The majority, ignoring these precedents, makes the same fatal error it made in Dobbs:
requiring too ‘careful [a] description of the asserted fundamental liberty interest,’” Sotomayor wrote.
“The majority’s failure to respect the right to marriage in this country consigns U.S. citizens to rely on the fickle grace of other countries’ immigration laws to vindicate one of the ‘basic civil rights of man’ and live alongside their spouses.”

I have conscious memory of this change in Dublin’s weather since 1981 (when I started noticing things like weather).

It is, in case we ever lose focus on it, the main story of our lives- the backdrop against all the things we’ve seen and done and will see and do in the future.

This is bad.


Here's a promo/trailer video to Beyond the Hero - a documentary about the fight to bring diversity and efficiency in the US Fire Service, and get the Fire Service out of antiquated systems and mindsets
by my old friend Bann Roy and his colleague Barbara Multer-Wellin

This is still being developed, and could use your help - here's the crowdfunding page
(all contributions are tax deductible)

V Guardian:
Shutting #Afghan women out of key UN conference to appease #Taliban ‘a betrayal’

Group allegedly demanding Afghan participation in Doha meeting this month be limited to men and that women’s rights be excluded from the agenda

Here's a context view of JWST's remarkable new image of the Serpens Nebula.

The infant stars visible here are just 100,000 years old. That's extremely star years! #space #astronomy #science #astrodon #nature

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Data center power demand doesn't just materialize out of nowhere. It's invited, often by local officials looking to increase tax revenues. If VA is looking at a 35% load increase from data centers then their utility customers ought to be demanding that their regulators make sure those costs are paid *by the data center owners* and not by all ratepayers. As we discussed at length in the current episode of @TransitionShow:

Who could have guessed that a plastic recycling method promoted by Exxon requires 9 times more new fossil fuels than the amount of plastic it manages to successfully recycle?
And the US allows creative accounting that ends up calling that 100% recycled plastic, by counting byproducts like diesel as "recycled" "plastic".

Did you know that prior to the 1960s, if you were having a medical emergency, there were no ambulances to call? Did you know that the first modern ambulance service was pioneered in #Pittsburgh by predominantly black paramedics to serve the predominantly black Hill district? This idea of the EMT service spread from right here, throughout the world, and we should all be grateful for the Freedom House EMTs.

MSM didn't report this border story of abuse💔.

15 NG soldiers Gov Sununu deployed to the border in Apr returned to NH his mo. Sgt King wiped away tears recalling the young girl he saw lying on the MX side of the border fence, looking near death from heat stroke.🚨 Soldiers were denied permission to cut the fence to reach her -instead passed ice sheets over it to cool her body. “I called the chaplain & did a prayer for the kid,” said King.💙Girl & dad survived.


One of the richest men in the 1920s was Andrew Mellon — an early prophet of trickle-down economics.

Yesterday we learned that his grandson, Timothy Mellon, gave a Trump super PAC one of the largest political donations ever.

This is how dynastic wealth works.

Wealth tax now.

If we're not going to install A/C in schools, at the very least set a classroom temperature threshold at which point occupancy is no longer permitted. Then measure other air quality parameters and set limits for those too. Do for indoor air what we already do for water

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