Wirst Du Dir die ⚽️ Fußball-WM in #Katar 🇶🇦 anschauen?
(Boost für mehr Reichweite = mehr Beteiligung = höhere Aussagekraft)
I wrote about why your zsh starts slowly and how to fix it
The German word "wählen" can mean
- to pick, to choose
- to elect
- to dial
The German word "Null" can mean
- zero
- loser, jerk
So, someone saying "Ich habe die Null gewählt" either means
- "I've dialed zero."
- "I voted for that idiot."
Enjoy our language!
#giyf i was able to found the unoffical #bevy #cheatsheet https://bevy-cheatbook.github.io/programming/res.html for developing a small game in #rust
just discoverd a new #rabbithole
getting into audio enhancement.😂
If you're looking for #rust accounts to follow, check out this thread. Feels like the whole gang is on here!
@HagbardCeline @chrispickard mmm theres a lot of metallurgy STEM fans here, although I'm a developer so I vote #rust, they can have #ironoxide
really nice video of @wesbos for a free blue button, enjoy him just crushing it with fun while#coding g'old #javascript
Good question @chrispickard
Lets claim #rust. it will last longer than #rustgame , somehow very certain 'bout this.
@mttaggart small react redux maybe next. Large project for me angular lts ngrx would be the way. Reasons are for mvp reacts render -> return is so fast and easy rewritable. Angular for large more stable intended projects, because mental model is more learnable and repeatable. Also more reliant npm packages. One could find amything for react as package. But prefer to keep my package.json small
"Dark Side" clockface running on FItbit Sense 2.
Gallery link: https://gallery.fitbit.com/details/1309f530-6405-42b7-8526-6cfc6db74197
Announcing the TypeScript Cookbook:
@JoeAttardi welcome
When you get into #TypeScript and realize JavaScript classes are so... Weak.
A friend of mine gave a talk recently about how #TypeScript enums are awful. I tend to agree. Does anyone has any counterpoints where TS enums add real value and don't cause trouble?
This Week in Rust 468
Hello and welcome to another issue of This Week in Rust!
Rust is a programming language empowering everyone to build reliable and efficient software.
This is a weekly summary of its progress and community.…
#rustlang #rust