On the basis of The Banality of Evil from #HannahArendt I suggest that we all try to engage in and therefore develop #publicDiscourse.
My idea: "The five minute table"
How: Get two chairs, a table (to maintain distance) and a ~five minute hourglass.
Build up in public and sit down to wait for somebody deciding to have a seat.
No rules, but
- the time starts when sitting down
- after the hourglass passed the guest can turn it one more time, with the next passing you can turn it, and it continues alternating thereafter
- at anythe time the guest can leave
Goal: Pluralism, public discourse, getting to know your neighbourhood...
"Do not fuck with my brain!"
Being permanently interrupted with evolutionary unprecedented media which are psychologically designed to steer our attention to a goal which brings nothing to a human being but profit for a few people of our capitalist world, is a desertification of the human potential for self-development and the ability to engage in the communal sphere, which is the living basis of everyday life.
German minister from the free liberals party (FDP) says that Germany needs weponized drones "for, in the best case scenario, not to use them"!
You have to love them for their superb hypernormal propaganda.
Tolkien musings
Tolkien was always linguist first, fiction writer third. he didn’t put 10% as much effort in plot or characterisation as he put in language history, English hacking, phonaesthetics.
it's a curious thing that most of the fandom isn't interested in Tolkien's life work at all. I mean it's not curious that few ppl are fascinated by grammar tables and etymological lists; what's curious is that the support objects he made merely to flesh out the languages attracted so much interest.
@Phaedrus techno utopian lolli-Pop freaks... kind of a radical nerd-grabber to exploit the old world for good. Planet Earth will not be that world, but the limited fancy ideology driving this lunatic capitalist.
@Phaedrus By the way, here is a sweet podcast summarizing his work partly and briefly.
Did u read Sheldon Wolins work about Inverted Totalitarianism?
@Phaedrus are you familiar with the works of Carl Schmitt?
He criticizes Liberalism alongside a definition of the state and its ending in the 20th century.
"The political enemy does not need to be morally evil, it does not have to be aesthetically ugly: it does not have to act as an economic competitor, and it may even be beneficial to do business with it."
@Phaedrus I am happy for the comment and my first contact here.
Look forward to continue. 😃
@Phaedrus That said it can be stated that non-state actors all over the world are more powerfull than US american democracy. In fact, this democracy doesn't seem to exist but as a frame to justify a corrupt rule of profit and power.
There is a war for our mind and to transcent the forces that be - Realpolitik - will set us free to think anew how we want to organize ourselves. #CorporateState #InvertedTotalitarianism #TheDevilsChessboard
schalten statt spalten
psychedelic respiritualisation