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Kann jahrelanges Mobbing eigentlich zu PTBS führen?

BREAKING: ICANN has voted to REJECT the sale of the .ORG registry to private equity firm Ethos Capital. This is a major victory for the millions of nonprofits, civil society organizations, and individuals who make .ORG their home online. #SaveDotOrg

I will not read the news for the next days and refuse to read anything related. It's too sad and overwhelming sometimes and there is for the moment nothing I can do except for donating money to homeless people to provide them with food and staying home.

for partners of women - if your partner takes hormones this does not make them infertile. So use if you don't intend to get pregnant.
Stupid law fact in Germany : the mother/person who gave the sperm will still be named "father" in the birth certificate together with their dead name. I hope that this is better in other countries.

Waiting for a new person to challenge me in the good way xoxo

Fuck I'm horny and wanna date again. And have some sex. Damn, first time horny in 3 years thanks to new AD and now this.

Today : finish shit job you've been procastinating for 5 months. Write solution for exercise sheet in

Some people in Germany complain that other countries committed crimes against humanity as well and say that we should just stop always complaining about our fascist past and abandon our rememberance culture. To these people : FUCK off! Crimes against humanity must be kept alive in the memory of any nation to prevent them from returning. Höcke complained about the Holocaust memorial in Berlin and called it a "memorial of shame". He added that "no other nation had a memorial of shame in their capital". Our rememberance culture may make us special amongst nations but it should be general. No crime against human rights should be left unpunished and no crimes against humanity should ever be forgotten. 80 years after the end of fascism it raises its ugly face again over Europe and haunts the US. Will this ever stop? We have a responsibility towards the world and as long as there is one single person left in the chains of injustice none of us will ever be free.

This fucking confinement is killing me. I just went through a breakup some days ago and my gf has been cheering me up for months. And now she is still in France with her other gf and I bet the other bitch is making her life hell.
I feel like I haven't seen or spoken to true friends in ages and although this is not true it still feels like that. My mother just got out of the hospital recently and I'm taking care of all of her stuff. Yesterday I was crying about the situation, my mother's fatal cancer, the breakup, the confinement, the knowledge that she has only a few years left, the fact that my grandfathers died last year, the fact that my father refuses to speak to me. It just sucks. Apart from that my life is ok and I'm a fighter but sometimes it just all comes down on me.

The moment in which you just want to say "Told you so."
And repeat. And repeat. And repeat. Maybe speak it on tape?

🔁 WikiLeaks Retweeted:
Bean🔥 @SomersetBean

One year ago Julian Assange was illegally dragged from asylum & imprisoned in a maximum security prison.

"Time that Mr Assange—who has already paid a high price for peacefully exercising his rights to freedom of opinion, expression+information—recovers his freedom" #FreeAssange
#Wikileaks #Assange

Full-List of bots:

You're working on shit whose implications might change cyber security and also some fundamental mathematics and the limits of our understanding of the universe and still you think about yourself that you are a lazy loser because you have a problem with working hard and fluctuation in intrinsic motivation.

Dear people, how do you deal with jealousy, if one partner does not accept your secondary?

Coronavirus : l’attestation de déplacement peut être utilisée sur smartphone
Nous avons eu la confirmation du ministère de l'Intérieur : si vous n'avez ni imprimante ni papier, vous pouvez présenter une attestation numériquement remplie, sur votre smartphone. Le PDF fourni est éditable.

Vorratsliste für

Kriterien : gut lagerbar, hält sich lange, deckt Versorgung mit Proteinen, Vitaminen und Energie

3-4 L Pflanzenöl (8000 kcal pro Liter)
4 kg Linsen (25g Protein pro 100 g, also decken 100 - 200 g den Tagesbedarf an Protein)
Vitamintabletten - können 1 mal pro Woche genommen das Leben retten, hier Vitamine A - Z
ggf. Eisentabletten
Kohletabletten (für den Fall aller Fälle)
Instantkaffee für Koffeinsuchtis
Milch/Pflanzenmilch, 12L
Decken und warme Klamotten (erhält die Körperwärme bei Stromausfall)
Powerbanks laden
Computer und E-Book-Reader laden (falls Stromausfall)
Sonnencreme für den Sommer
Medikamente nach Bedarf
ggf Schlaftabletten und Diazepam gegen Panikattacken
Vapo und Nikotinvorräte (gegen Panik, für Vaper)

Wer einmal vom Glück der Freiheit genascht hat, wird sie wohl ie wieder aufgeben wollen.

Verdammte Mistfaschos. Der rechte Rand, identitäre Bewegung, , und Co sind der braune Abschaum der Gesellschaft! Wieder tötet der Mob unschuldige Menschen und wieder passiert im Zweifel nichts.

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