Meeting inspirational people makes so much difference!

Just got back home in the Netherlands. Had an amazing time at the combined Keystone Symposia on Molecular & Cellular Biology meeting and visiting the Robert Barrett lab at Cedars Sinai Medical Center, LA.

It is incredible to have met and talked to so many fantastic scientists during this trip. The way this meeting and visit helped to get inspiration, make new connections and reinforce existing collaborations is incomparable. Heading back to the lab with renewed excitement!

Now back to work: I've got a thesis to finish.

Just 2 days until Keystone Symposia on Stem cell applications & Organoid disease models in Colorado.

Very, very excited to join this meeting. If you’re there, let’s meet!☕️
Looking forward to talk about the work of our team on patient-derived immunocompetent cultures, intestinal organoids and tissue-chips to model intestinal inflammation.

Fat food for a day gives your intestine away… or something like that.

How the gut epithelium rapidly changes upon fatty diet. Withing 24 hours some cells in the intestine increased the activity of genes associated with stress and fat metabolism.

Very nice work from the Wells Lab:

Qoto Mastodon

QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance
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