#Human #Consciousness #Evolves from #HoldingSpace for #HigherFrequencies of #Being - being lost in the #Ego of the #Mind is #Subjugation to the #Projection of #Self
Holding space for higher frequencies of #Light allows the consciousness of #Spirit your #Spiritual consciousness to grow
It takes conscious #Experiences of your spirit to learn to #Discern what spirit is. If you are self imprisoned in your mind you will lack those experiences.
Lower #Dimensional #ThoughtConstructs cannot #Fathom #HigherDimensional #Truths
Some things need to be #Experienced to be #Comprehended
For me it is the opposite. I see the ask for #understanding as pleading for #support from the bottom. "Do you understand me?" can be translated into "Do you support what I'm saying?"
The term #comprehension, on the other hand, "sounds" more like #control. "Do you comprehend?" may be apprehended as "Do you have a good enough #grasp over all of this" so I can be sure you won't "screw up" something?😀