as the ultimate form of is usually thought of as resisting the Second Law of thermodynamics that says all eventually dissipates over time into a state of thermal equilibrium and enduring uniformity (disorder).

An alternative explanation says that organization (order) spontaneously emerges in dissipative structures because of the Second Law of Thermodynamics because ordered structures are much better at dissipating energy (thus more rapidly increasing the ) than disordered ones.

The explanation (for which I now can’t find the proper reference😟) exemplified this with whirlpools and how they spontaneously emerge because the water molecules in them don’t bump into each other as much so the flow through the drain (transition to an equilibrium state) is faster when they are streamlined (organized) into a vortex.


Found it! 😎. It is called the
Maximum Entropy Production Principle ():

The so-called maximum entropy production principle (MEPP) is known much less (even among specialists in physics of nonequilibrium processes). This antipode, as its name seemingly means, of Prigogine’s principle has been overshadowed by its more famous twin. MEPP was independently proposed and used by several scientists throughout the 20th century when they dealt with general theoretical issues of thermodynamics and statistical physics or solved specific problems. By this principle, a nonequilibrium system develops so as to maximize its entropy production under present constraints.

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