Krispyz boosted

I love this last paragraph from @Teri_Kanefield's blog post today on The Washington Post's "bombshell":

"Moreover, constant outrage isn't good for anyone's health. How will we all have the energy to do the work necessary to save democracy if people keep unnecessarily setting their hair on fire?"


And that could apply to a lot of other subjects, too. Like maybe the whole Meta/ActivityPub thing. Just sayin'.

Potluck at work today! Made some scotcheroos and showing off my Pilot Custom 742's flex nib for my label. Ink is Bungubox Tears of a Clown, which has a lot of sheen, but Rhodia paper doesn't show it super well!

I guess I should do an introduction... I joined Mastodon way back when Twitter imploded (not that I was on Twitter, but it seemed like the place to be), but really didn't figure it out. Now that Reddit's imploding, I'm gonna give it a real shot. I read that it's only polite to do an intro so here I am.

I go by Krispy in every place except work, I'm 36, married, with a dog, two cats, and two snakes. I don't have kids and do not plan to. I have a variety of hobbies, some outdoor (biking, disc golf, birdwatching, etc), some more sedentary (video games, board games, reading, etc), some creative (miniature painting, fountain pen/handwriting, TTRPGs), and some consumptive (tea, baking)... I'm probably missing some.

I love animals/wildlife/ecology. I got my Masters in wildlife parasitology and though I don't use that in my career, I've kept that curiosity and interest. I'm obsessed with paleontology and obscure animals.

I love stories, mostly fantasy, sci fi, mystery/thriller, romance, in virtually any medium. I'm currently playing The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, reading Promise of Blood by Brian McClellan, listening to A Little Hatred by Joe Abercrombie, and watching Drag me to Dinner.

I have a strong science background and believe in questioning everything, but with the understanding that I can't know everything and much in life is unintuitive, so something not making sense to me does not mean it's wrong.

I have no idea how to find people to follow, so if anyone makes it to the end of this and thinks I seem interesting enough to follow, I'll follow you back... I'll start there.


Qoto Mastodon

QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance
All cultures welcome.
Hate speech and harassment strictly forbidden.