Today is my last day in my current role. 32 years with an organisation is an amazing stint. To leave on a high and under my own steam is all I could have wished for. Still, it's a sad day.
Many chocolate sultanas will be eaten.
I've been *incredibly* lucky in my work.
So what comes next? For now, I'm taking a break to catch up in a million small things that got away from over that time. The ones that haven't grown up in the mea time anyway. Then I see what the universe holds in store for me.
@mackayim2022 Enjoy it sir. Although I wandered around the living room for a few weeks wondering what I was supposed to be doing, I managed the transition....
@mackayim2022 True. Other than "mom" duties...discovering real relaxation is a good thing. Although the health department pulled me back when the person who took my job ran away...I have managed to adapt to the new paradigm; play with the dogs, putter around the house as needed....