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Nordstahl boosted

Married 25 years yet the wife and I still find things to talk about every day.

Just not with each other, obviously.

Nordstahl boosted

@drewharwell Talk doesn’t jack to Musk and his people! Leaving the bird site is the only way to punish these despicable people.

Nordstahl boosted

Yes, another sunrise photo. This one taken just a few minutes after the one I shared yesterday. The sun now above the horizon reflects in the wet sand. Each day begins in it's own unique way.

Find Prints Here:

#Dawn #OuterBanks #OBX #Sunrise #Morning #Sea #Jetty #Coastal #Photography #AYearForArt #ArtMatters #LoveArt #Art #PhotographyIsArt #Ocean #Beach #GiveArtNotCandy #MastoArt #WallArt #GiftArt

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Nordstahl boosted

I have OCD. When you see a piece like this from me, know that I hand placed every circle. I spent hours making them and placing them because it soothes me.

Please support Independent Artists this Valentine's Day and for gift giving needs. I owe my ability to survive to kind strangers who support me! BOOSTS/FOLLOWS APPRECIATED!!


#art #artist #AYearForArt #artwork #pink #red #love #ocd #mastoart #fediart #fedigiftshop #gifts #gift #valentine #valentinesday #hope

Nordstahl boosted

Stop being shocked by things that have gone on for hundreds of years and DO SOMETHING.

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Nordstahl boosted

Okay, now that I'm catching on to the customs, it's clearly time for a new #introduction! (hashtags, Chaz, #hashtags...)

So, here I am, fresh from the #TwitterMigration, looking to find friends and like minds.

Professionally I've been a #writer all my working life: #novels and #ShortStories, across many genres but mostly fantasy, science fiction, horror, crime, romance.

Away from the keyboard I #cook obsessively, read likewise, and care for my disabled wife.

#SFF #Writing #WritingCommunity

Nordstahl boosted

Costa Rica
Freya nuestra gathija!

Ustedes se podrán mojar...
pero este...
este es MI paraguas!

Nordstahl boosted

@chadloder He never will be because Twitter is owned by a white supremacist now.

Nordstahl boosted

In September 2021, Andy Ngo colluded with Proud Boys to endanger me and my son. Ngo tweeted out a video that was recorded illegally by far-right extremists trespassing on my property. The video shows me standing inside my home and it shows the interior of my small apartment including the area where my son sleeps.

Despite the court granting legal sanctions and a restraining order protecting me and my son from the violent Proud Boy responsible for the video, the video is still up on Ngo's Twitter account — showing a detailed view of the inside of the apartment and naming my city.

Nordstahl boosted

@aramsinn Don't hide your books! Flaunt your books and fight these fascists, or there won't be anything left to fight for!

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Nordstahl boosted

The sale on signed copies of my first book "Abandoned America: The Age of Consequences" is almost over! Packard is a chapter and you also get a free 5x7 print, so it's a pretty solid deal. Here's the link if you're interested:

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Nordstahl boosted

Ella Irwin also explicitly directed Twitter to ban journalists like me. The fact that she has used her access to people's private messages should be a wake-up call to everyone on Twitter, especially journalists; how can you protect sources in a place like that?

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Nordstahl boosted

CNN went with pandering lies to the right.

It didn’t work.

They just had their worst week in nine years.

Nordstahl boosted

It took me just over 60 days of posting random nonsense on Mastodon, but I FINALLY exceeded my Twitter follower count!

Nordstahl boosted


So glad that #Norway plans on long term support of #Ukraine.

Just to give this some perspective.

#Ukraine GDP 2021 was USD 200 Billion
#Norwegian reserves is at USD1.2 Trillion.

So while NO ONE should expect Norway to fund the entire cost of rebuilding Ukraine, when Norway says it will invest in Ukraine, it's a HUGE deal.

Nordstahl boosted
Nordstahl boosted

Time For 9 o'clock #HashtagGames hosted by @paul
You've heard that baking soda is a versatile household cleaning item, like being good for cleaning the oven.

Time for other


How to play: Write something awesome, Use the Hashtag, Toot/Post and Repeat!

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Qoto Mastodon

QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance
All cultures welcome.
Hate speech and harassment strictly forbidden.