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Nordstahl boosted
Nordstahl boosted

RT @HeartlandSignal
President Joe Biden ribs congressional Republicans over their tendency to claim credit for infrastructure projects they vote against: “We’ll fund these projects, and I’ll see you at the groundbreaking!”

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Nordstahl boosted
Nordstahl boosted

How do you say that you’re the party of freedom with a straight face when you’re literally banning books and words?

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Nordstahl boosted
Nordstahl boosted
Nordstahl boosted
Nordstahl boosted

Biden’s State Of The Union Was A Joyous MAGA Killer. Biden’s State Of The Union was full of optimism, bipartisanship, joy. It was the anti-MAGA.

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Nordstahl boosted

@dcjohnson That was a hell of a SOTU speech. There were hecklers a few times, but Biden couldn’t be bullied and it just made them look like trash.

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New research shows that conservative doctors viewed hydroxychloroquine the same way conservative people did in general, despite the lack of evidence it worked.

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RT @EdKrassen
Watching Republicans refuse to applaud when Biden stated at his State of the Union that no billionaire should pay less in taxes than a school teacher, tells us everything that we need to know about the Republican Party.

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We don't know what it's like to not have information at our fingertips.

Some say that makes us lazy. I think it enhances our independence, efficiency, and intellectual curiosity.

We know how to use online tools to effectively problem solve.

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Nordstahl boosted

I moved around a lot as a kid. This meant constantly changing schools, making new friends, and leaving old friends behind.

Email and instant message eased the disruption.

And taught me how to type!


I learned how to (safely) interact with strangers online. I made friends I would never meet IRL.

But I also got scammed and hacked, A TON, which taught me early on to protect my personal information and to not be so gullible.

Digital vigilance.

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Nordstahl boosted

I love that Republicans can't stand up for low unemployment and more jobs.

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On the first day of Black History Month, the College Board announced it was removing dozens of intersectional, queer, and BLM-supporting Black authors from its AP African American Studies course. What are they so afraid of?

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Nordstahl boosted

I love how Biden got the Republicans to loudly agree to not touch SS & Medicare.

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