The Chinese were solving 14th degree polynomials in 1303. Why?
#hackernews #tech
@Nyoei @socialskeleton Just because I have an ass that is best described as "lush" doesn't mean some no-meat bonehead is right! #LashingOutUnfairlyAtSkellyMan :cry:
#Intoduction love to join after having experience on Twitter
Maersk installed 100-foot-tall rotating sails on one of its tankers
#hackernews #tech
Those microbes are quite interesting too. They're called haloarchaea, and they catch solar energy using a protein called bacterorhodopsin. It's made from retinal, one of the molecules which your eyes use.
Thing is, bacteriorhodopsin works *completely* differently to chlorophyll, and haloarchaea don't capture carbon dioxide like plants do. It's an entirely different kind of photosynthesis!
Convergent evolution is really cool. I love how nature finds multiple ways to do things.
@Nyoei @freemo @InvaderXan The dreaded HedgeShark circles before a feeding frenzy.
@freemo I'm afraid this is an artist's impression, pretty though it is.
This was Cassini's final view. I processed this version of the image myself.
Hello from Africa / Kingdom of Morocco! #introduction
I don't heavily mod it, I play with the following:
*UI Overhaul 1080p Plus
*Real Space (The full 4 Mods)
*Planetary Diversity (And companion mod for Real Space)
*!CGM Mod suite. (3 Mods)
I think that's all of them. All on Steam Workshop.