I normally say that during an election year is not the time to bring up the democractic party flaws but this is WAY different this years and the only way to get the democratic party in general to maintain power is to acknowledge this terrible wrongdoing, point out just how much worse it would be under republicans, point out the terrible 2 party system that forced us into this position, get people to vote in primaries for dems that will put pressure on Biden to stop, but also point out that government is a puzzle and if you don't have all the pieces, including a terrible president, no change is possible at all. Also that we have 2 parties, one that might actually give into direct action pressure the other will actively crush it, small-L liberal values and free speech. The support of Gaza isn't something we can sweep under the rug this time, it must be addressed and acknowledged. Then promote donating to the Ranked Choice Voting ballot initiatives on the Nevada and Oregon ballots so we have 2 less states held hostage by the 2 party system.
"This isn't the time to make it political." That's what Republicans say after every mass shooting. Now we're hearing it from Liberals during a ge...

@anubis2814 @RustyBertrand election year is when they're paying close attention and likely to believe you are playing hardball. Always the best time to criticize. And if they lose, you've injected serious medicine for the next round. Do it consistently and often to keep the blowback more bearable long-term. We've been scammed for so long and so thoroughly that the harsh medicine is now like chemotherapy. We've painted ourselves into a corner and there is only one way out.

@Qbitzerre @RustyBertrand That chemotherapy in this case could mean the absolute end of a next time and screwing ourselves over on the domestic front, climate crisis and Ukraine sadly.

@anubis2814 @Qbitzerre @RustyBertrand

I agree that there is no next time.

What Republicans learned in 2020 is that if you have too many people that are more loyal to the Constitution than the leader, then you cannot overturn elections. That isn't a mistake they are going to make again. Look into Project 2025 by the Herritage Foundation. They detail their plan to put loyalists in place if a Republican wins.

@OmegaLimit @anubis2814 @RustyBertrand putting loyalists in place is a timeless tactic. To find it documented explicitly might be unusual.

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