Pat boosted

It never ceases to amaze me that you can be stuck on a problem for 2 days, say “screw it I’m going for a walk around town” and then solve it fifteen minutes into the walk.

Pat boosted

Nobody will remember:
> Your GPA
> Your salary
> Your fancy job title

People will remember:
• Your time spent w/ them
• Your experiences w/ them
• Your character & how you treated them

Keep the priorities straight.

Pat boosted

Oh no! 😥I was friends with her sister Carol back in junior high. So sad.

#RIP Actor Cindy Williams, the optimistic Shirley of ‘Laverne & Shirley,’ dies at 75

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The Fifth Amendment protects the right against self-incrimination. The public has the right to draw its own conclusions from there.

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@glennf A few winters ago we were renting a house on the snow with friends. Around dinner time several of us started getting headaches; they got bad enough we got suspicious, so we went outside and called the FD. Turns out the stove was venting into the house. Lucky we weren’t asleep. Now we bring a CO detector whenever we travel.

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One goal this year is not only the indictment and prosecution of Trump this year—which is surely critical—but also seek new ways to slow the cancerous spread of Trumpism and its advocates hostility to democracy and factual truth.

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I'm glad insulin is capped at $35 for people on Medicare. It's a bill Democrats unanimously vote for, and so-called "pro life" Republicans unanimously opposed.

But here's the thing.

Insulin needs to be free & accessible to all people. Healthcare is a human right & there's no reason why corporations should profit billions off a life saving drug, the patent for which was sold for $3.

In the wealthiest nation on Earth, no person should struggle with insulin access. #MakeInsulinFree

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I know many of you are here after exiting Twitter. I understand why. (Oh, do I.) I hope you’ll also consider joining our growing community at America, America, where democracy and justice are the heart of the matter and people are treated with respect.

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Our special 1 hr episode w/ top guns and is getting a lot of play -- and it should.

Special prosecutor will be looking for 'who can I flip' using Jan. 6 report evidence: Mueller prosecutor

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In case you missed it, this will be the first full calendar of Charlotte’s Web Thoughts, and this little Substack blog/newsletter has done well in 2022. Read on.

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Been thinking about ways to explain Mastodon to newbies who feel flummoxed by the decentralized nature of it. Does it make sense to describe instances as subreddits? Also, how do economics vary from instance to instance? I see that has patrons contributing around $34k per month (which appears to cover operational costs for Mastodon as a whole, since this instance is run by the lead engineer for the whole thing.) What about other instances?

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On this day I’m thinking about Ukrainians struggling without electricity, trying to stay warm, fearful of Russian violence and hoping to stay alive amid a war that is so unnecessary. May the coming year bring an end to the madness.

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With the holidays comes family time. And with family time comes the inevitable conversations about politics.

If you find yourself stuck talking politics at the dinner table with your Uncle Joe, equip yourself with the facts about elections.

@harrylitman thank you for your insight this past year. It helps us understand the unending breaking news.

@aleksi as someone that grew up during the development of computers and the different programming languages,I find this a refreshing place. It reminds me of the early years…before all the nonsense.

Welcome, you will like it here.

Pat boosted

Start with the user experience and work backwards to the technology you need.

Steve Jobs once famously said, "you've got to start with the customer experience and work backward to the technology. You can’t start with the technology then try to figure out where to sell it."

This quote has stuck with me. We should focus on who we're building for, what problems they have, and whether our current options available are falling short.


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"If you have not heard of the independent state legislature theory, congratulations. You lead a happier life than I do. Not just because it represents a terrifying power grab by federal judicial supremacists, but also because it has a day-ruining bad name."

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I think Mastodon is going to have a profound impact upon society. Federated, decentralized networks (at the social as well as technical level) may very well become the platform upon which a new kind of business model emerges, one where you don't work for a company so much as for your localized graph of interconnections. You're seeing this model emerge from many different directions - federated privacy, file sharing, community building ... why not work?

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Here are some important ideas to bring to conversations about social platforms:
* Whether or not mass abuse takes place is much more a matter of social & cultural design/norms than any one feature
* “Engagement” can mean supportive amplification or organized harassment; it is no surprise that popular, polarizing features enable either or both, depending on who’s using them
* Mastodon is not the whole fediverse. The whole *point* is that there can be different platforms with different choices.

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Qoto Mastodon

QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance
All cultures welcome.
Hate speech and harassment strictly forbidden.