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I made this plot for my M-estimation library, but I think the image nicely showcases how the various loss functions for robust mean/regression penalize the errors (of the 1st deriv of log-L)

@Tim_P_Morris that would makes sense to me. RMST is a single quantity, so pointwise should be fine (AFAIK)

@Tim_P_Morris yeah that's my understanding. basically estimating a point versus the function

my understanding is that it's also related to multiple testing as well (there is a 'Bonferroni' approach to get confidence bands that is conservative)

@tfeend pointwise CI (the typical CI) are not appropriate when we want to talk about the whole survival function. They are still fine for S(t) at a particular t though

Came across this paper and it provides a nice discussion of confidence intervals vs. confidence bands with the Kaplan-Meier

The censoring events before the first event time in `t`, and censoring times greater than the last event time in `t` were the annoying parts to deal with. The first 3 lines were primarily to setup the input arrays to deal with those issues

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Then in the final step, we multiply that by `pr`. Therefore, we can sum over the rows, as the only non-zero row in this matrix will be the probability at their corresponding individual time. There is probably a better way to do this, but I think it’s a clever vectorization of the problem

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The clever part (in my opinion) is the remainder. Line 4 creates a matrix of indicators where the columns are the individuals and rows are whether their value in `ti` was >= the corresponding `t`. I do a similar thing in line 5 but now < the shifted times. When these are multiplied together in 6, we get a matrix where the only non-zero value in a column corresponds to the final time the person was observed

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So what does this do. Setup is done on lines 1-3. Lines 1-2 tack on S(0)=1 to the start of the `t` and `pr` arrays. Line 3 adds the maximum time we saw in `ti` then drops the first element (zero)

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So first, I am going to convert `t`, `ti`, `pr` to NumPy arrays so we can use NumPy to help speed things along. After that
>>> t = np.insert(t, 0, 0)
>>> pr = np.insert(pr, 0, 1)
>>> shift_t = np.append(t, np.max(ti)+1)[1:]
>>> upper = (ti >= t[:, None]).astype(int)
>>> lower = (ti < shift_t[:, None]).astype(int)
>>> t_ind = upper * lower
>>> np.sum(t_ind * pr[:, None], axis=0)

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It might be faster to convert `pr` and `t` to a dictionary (in Python) but this is still expensive as we need to loop. If there are lots of elements in `ti`, this can become far too slow. So the idea is to vectorize this procedure. The following is the best solution I’ve come up with at this point

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My first thought is that we can write a loop. We look over each element in `ti`, then use that element to find the last valid index in `t` (for ti=7.5 that would be 6), then use that index to look up the element in `pr`.

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Given an array of individual times
>>> ti = [0.9, 5, 7.5, 6, 9, 10]
we want to get the probability of survival at that time. So our output should look like
>>> [1.0, 0.5, 0.2, 0.2, 0.1, 0.1]
The first element is 1 because S(0)=1 by definition. So, how can we get this array?

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Let me sharpen the problem, I have 2 arrays for probability of survival and the corresponding time. Everything following will be written in Python
>>> pr = [0.9, 0.8, 0.7, 0.5, 0.2, 0.1]
>>> t = [1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 9]
So S(t=1)=0.9, S(t=2)=0.8, and so on.

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I don't really have another place to write up, so here is a computational problem I keep coming back to: getting individual probs of survival from an array of times and an array of probs

@cam_dp even better that it looks like a top hat for the Pi

I should know this by now, but what specs do you want to see reported when run-times for different algorithms are compared?

Truly appalling python code 

One of my friends just showed me the most cursed addition function, and since I have to see it, you have to as well:

def add(num1, num2):
start = time.time()
return time.time()-start

this paper has aged incredibly poorly (not that I think it had that good of an argument when first written)

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