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"The only dangerous minority is the rich"
Sticker seen in New Orleans, Louisiana

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Justice Elena Kagan must be rolling her eyes so hard right now. She once told her friends not to send her free bagels and lox because she'd have to report the gift.

Meanwhile, Clarence Thomas is a one-man pay-to-play shop for billionaires with private jets and luxury vacas.

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Pedro boosted

Compare #paychecks with you co-workers. It is the best way to get #equality.

In the #USA it is illegal for them to even ASK you not to talk about your #wages

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Americans work more,
take less vacation,
work longer days,
and retire later-
-but at least we're not stuck w/socialized health care,
like our happier and more well-off capitalist allies.

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My father had to have a chunk of his ear removed, so we had a little photoshoot.

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The issue is not whether or not CBC is funded by the government, but rather is the government controlling the editorial slant. And this is clearly no, otherwise Harper would have controlled the #CBC himself.

Also, this is another sign of creeping fascism in North American politics. Control of the media by the right is accelerating. #cdnpoli #cdnmedia

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Been reading a lot in UK right wing papers about how Britain is a "Christian" nation, and how Muslims are taking over. Sorry, that's not really true, is it?

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When a uterus is more heavily regulated than an assault weapon, that’s when you know it’s a war on women.

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'Encouraging creative theft'.
Would this work in USAnian cities? Certainly in some neighborhoods.
Photo text excerpt from #BillMollison's autobiography, Travels In Dreams.
#UrbanPermaculture #fruit #UrbanFarming #Rewilding #GuerillaHorticulture

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Good morning dear awesome Tooteroonies of near n far 🌞☕
Today is Frejas day 🤟 let's dash for the finish line n get out early today 😊
I wish yous a magnificent day full of wonders, kindness, positive vibes, love, happiness, funs, joys, giggles, smiles n laughter 😉
Stay safe!
#FrejasDay #Smile

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The Department of Energy says they think SARS-CoV-2 escaped from a lab.

I think I'm going to wait to hear what the Postal Department says about it before I make up my mind...


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“The reason most public transportation is seen as ‘losing’ money is precisely because it charges for trips. If you don't charge fares, suddenly it can't ‘lose’ money. It just costs money, the same as the roads.”

This random comment has given me my new favourite argument for removing fares from public transit.

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Pedro boosted

1869: Congress refused to seat Congressman-Elect John Willis Menard from Louisiana District 2 b/c he was Black

Today: SCOTUS approves extreme gerrymandered Louisiana map that gives Black people only 16% rep even though they’re 33% of voters

Systemic white supremacy alive & well.

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Death certificates should include race and other data, via @torontostar. Why we need to accurately measure the performance of our health care system through a critical social lens:

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