"The fact that such a virus-detection project is led by both civilian and military scientists appears to confirm incendiary claims from the United States alleging collaboration between the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) and the country's 2.1 million-strong armed forces."
"In recent years, China's military has ramped up its hiring of scientists after President Xi Jinping said this was a key element in the nation's march for global supremacy.
Lianchao Han, a dissident who used to work for the Chinese government, said Cao's involvement raised suspicions that military researchers who are experts in coronaviruses might also be involved in bio-defence operations."
"據《華爾街日報》報導,24日將舉行世界衞生大會(WHA),本次會議預期也會討論下一階段的疫情起源調查。不過就在WHA舉行前夕,有未披露的美國情報報告指出,中國的武漢病毒研究所(WIV,Wuhan Institute of Virology)有3名研究人員在2019年11月曾因生病前往醫院接受治療,這份報告也提供了受影響的研究人員數量、患病時間和就診時間的最新詳細內容,對病毒是否從研究所流出提供了新的線索。"
"Chinese authorities have obstructed independent efforts to investigate the mine, setting up a checkpoint nearby where unidentified men stopped several foreign journalists in recent weeks, on one occasion warning there were wild elephants ahead.
A Journal reporter reached the mine by mountain bike but was later detained and questioned for about five hours by police, who deleted a cellphone photograph of the mine. Villagers told the reporter that local officials had warned them not to discuss the mine with outsiders.
There was no sign of nearby villages being evacuated or any recent research activity at the mine. It was so overgrown that its entrance appeared to be inaccessible."
WHO跟UN沒搞清楚的一點是: 所有非CCP者無論個人或組織, 都是被CCP認定的中國境外勢力或準中國境外勢力, 包括中國人自己在內.
[ “Given the relationship between China and the U.S., there’s a negligible chance that the Chinese would capitulate to U.S. requests for a full and independent investigation.”
Complicating matters, leading public health officials—including WHO Director General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus —have called for a thorough investigation into whether the pandemic could have begun with a lab accident. ]