五眼裡只有英國沒有具體太平洋根據地,就其他四國來說,沒有拒絕日本入當虎翼的理由。至於北京將之視為五眼擴張之舉這點不滿就算了吧,當大家不知道紐澳英加四國軍費加起來還不到中國軍費的四成嗎? 就算加入日本的算也才中國軍費的六成而已,唯一力壓中國的美國其軍費增幅還不夠通膨吃的呢。
[ It should be expected that any new formal addition would realistically come step-by-step and not via any swift elevation to membership. If Japan is greenlighted in any form, a more likely outcome will be that it would join in an official “5+1” format. This would allow for it to ease gradually into deeper cooperation. ]
"美國國防安全合作局表示,國務院做出決定,批准向加拿大出售神盾戰鬥系統以及相關軍售案,預估金額為17億美元,加拿大政府要求購買神盾戰鬥系統船艦組件、電腦控制程序、雷達系統、協同接戰能力船組件、MK 41垂直發射系統、敵我識別系統,另外軍售包裹也包括美方技術支援與測試相關資料等,總費用達17億美元(約台幣472億元)。"
"This proposed sale will support the foreign policy and national security objectives of the United States by helping to improve the military capability of Canada, a NATO ally that is an important force for ensuring political stability and economic progress, and a contributor to military, peacekeeping and humanitarian operations around the world. "
加拿大保守黨黨魁Erin O‘Toole對邱香果夫婦盜取病毒寄至中國此事發表的英文字幕影片,供參考。