「若鋼鐵廠依循命令平均減產 40% ,總產量降幅將大致相當於日本最大鋼鐵廠日本製鐵 (Nippon Steel) 2019 年的全年產量。
中國在去年 9 月向聯合國宣示將在 2060 年實現碳中和後,便對鋼鐵業下重手,目前鋼鐵業占中國每年二氧化碳排放量的 10% 至 20%,是僅次於發電產業的第二大汙染源。
中國鋼鐵廠已經站出來聲援碳排放政策,中國最大鋼鐵業者寶武鋼鐵宣布 2050 年實現淨零排放,河鋼亦跟進,不過這也意味著企業將面臨龐大的新設備成本。」
"Over the next three to five years, the market is set to expand to seven additional high-emissions industries: petrochemicals, chemicals, building materials, iron and steel, nonferrous metals, paper, and domestic aviation.
Rather than be subject to the absolute caps on emissions in other trading programs and proposed by environmental officials, Chinese companies will start off with allowances that use benchmarks based on previous years’ performances, giving them more wiggle room. They can be traded by negotiation or auction, among other means."