"AdBlue觸媒還原劑是指柴油引擎所需使用的「柴油廢氣處理劑」(diesel exhaust fluid,DEF);而尿素則是生產AdBlue所必須使用的材料。
澳洲廣播公司(ABC)今天報導,因應生產AdBlue所需的尿素缺貨,AUSblue的母公司DGL集團執行長亨利(Simon Henry)表示,AUSblue安排多輛包機待命;預計每一趟包機將會自中東和亞洲其他國家運送250公噸尿素至澳洲。"
"澳洲貿易部長特漢(Dan Tehan)14日指出,澳洲的尿素存貨可供約7周用量;為此,澳洲政府已與印尼、沙烏地阿拉伯、阿拉伯聯合大公國、卡達(Qatar)和日本等多個貿易伙伴展開討論。"
[ Satnam Singh, who farms wheat on 1.5 acres in the northern Indian state of Punjab, said rumors of shortages have prompted panicked farmers to buy urea and another fertilizer essential for winter-sown wheat, diammonium phosphate, at almost twice the original price. “Prices have gone through the roof. It’s a big problem,” Mr. Singh said.
In some places, farmers have been unable to buy fertilizer even after standing in long lines for days, said Vikram Singh, joint secretary of the All India Agricultural Workers Union, warning that the shortages could disrupt the growing season and lead to rising food prices.
India’s government has said that there are sufficient supplies of fertilizer and warned that anyone caught hoarding and selling on the black market would be punished. A spokesman at the Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers said officials were reviewing the supply targets for November but that the availability was expected to exceed demand.
The shortages of urea began escalating last month, when the Chinese government set new customs rules requiring inspection certificates for exporting fertilizer ingredients, including urea, effectively halting exports. China has been struggling to maintain a stable supply of the substance amid a shortage of coal. ]