" 台積電擴大資本支出,因為半導體的新應用還有很多,產能還是不夠的。我簡單算一下,5G手機1億支需要100萬片的晶圓,現在1年大概要多2~3億支的5G手機,就是說今年大概8吋晶圓廠要多200多萬片的需求。那自駕車呢?1台要多1.5~2片的需求,全自駕則需要2片,如果年產200萬台的電動車,等於是又多了300萬片的需求。
"目前艾司摩爾已沒有在中國銷售先進的極紫外光 (EUV) 設備供應,但美國希望禁止範圍可以延伸到更成熟的技術。"
“Based on our initial assessment, the new restrictions do not amend the rules governing lithography equipment shipped by ASML out of the Netherlands and we expect the direct impact on ASML’s overall 2023 shipment plan to be limited.”
"Imports of chip-making equipment from the U.S. fell to $349 million in November, roughly half the amount China purchased from the U.S. a year earlier, the data showed. The figure also marked a nearly 30% decline from September, just before the new regulations were unveiled.
Shipments of chip-making equipment from Japan, one of the biggest suppliers of such machines to China, fell 40% to $687 million in November. South Korean imports, meanwhile, plunged 50% from September to $227 million in November.
The drops in Chinese imports of chip-making equipment from these countries shows that Washington’s move has had an immediate impact. Analysts had described the cooperation of U.S. allies as essential to the success of Washington’s export controls."
去年擋中資收購德國不具規模利益的晶片廠如出一轍 :
2015年底,還是歐巴馬任內,美國的CFIUS外資投資委員會(Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States)就已經在嚴格審查、阻擋中國意圖購併美國(還有所有美國管得到的)半導體公司。
Fairchild Semiconductor 快捷半導體,是美國第一家半導體公司,Intel、AMD很多半導體創始人都來自這家公司,但,2015年時,Fairchild已經沒有太多關鍵領先技術,頂多只是業界讓人懷念尊敬的名字,這樣的情況下,中國想要收購Fairchild,還是被CFIUS擋下來。"
"2015年中,由中國金沙江創投基金主導的投資團隊,意圖以估值33億美元,收購擁有6、700項從底層材料、晶粒到封裝等各種LED相關專利的Lumileds 80%股權。當時飛利浦其實也很想退出商用照明市場,主要是來自中國後進者的殺價競爭壓力,使得他們想換現金轉投入其他領域。
他回憶當時,送件多次一直被CFIUS打槍,理由永遠是千篇一律的「國家安全」(national security ),無奈只能反覆的請教CFIUS,到底你們說的國家安全是牽涉到技術?公司架構?還是股權分割?可是不管怎麼問,CFIUS還是鐵板一塊,飛利浦只好自己模擬,針對想像的國安問題提出解法,但多次重寫出售計畫送件還是碰壁。CFIUS不同意就是不同意。"
"This growing alliance between U.S. tech and government leaders demonstrates the hurdles TikTok’s executives face in trying to convince policy makers that their app is safe for U.S. users."
理直氣壯, 說米國排外的人自己先審視一下抖音那些挑戰造成多少年青生命傷害乃至家庭破碎:
"長期調查TikTok的英國記者克里朵(Cristina Criddle)就發現母公司字節跳動(ByteDance)的員工曾窺探她的地理定位等數據,追蹤她的行動軌跡,以探查與她見過面的內部人士。
"House Energy and Commerce Committee members pushed TikTok’s CEO on whether the platform was free of Chinese government interference. "
"ByteDance executives weighed in from time to time, but for the moneymaking operations, the feedback from ByteDance typically involved approving budgets and offering product suggestions, according to current and former employees. TikTok employees said that began to change earlier this year, when the new executives started arriving from ByteDance, and ByteDance began weighing in more on strategy."
"Huafon and the three Covation companies signed what is known as a national-security agreement with Cfius pledging to honor those terms. With Cfius’s blessing, DuPont and Huafon then closed the $240 million deal in May 2022.
A month later, as Defense Department officials were planning a trip to China to ensure that the key technology hadn’t made its way to Huafon, they got some very unwelcome news: CovationBio employees found information on their servers that should have stayed within CovaPDO, meaning the Cfius effort to ringfence the sensitive technology had been undermined."
"TikTok executives have said that 60% of ByteDance shares are owned by global investors, 20% by employees and 20% by its founders, though the founders’ shares carry outsize voting rights, as is common with tech companies. The company was founded in Beijing in 2012 by Zhang Yiming, ByteDance Chief Executive Liang Rubo and others."