五眼裡只有英國沒有具體太平洋根據地,就其他四國來說,沒有拒絕日本入當虎翼的理由。至於北京將之視為五眼擴張之舉這點不滿就算了吧,當大家不知道紐澳英加四國軍費加起來還不到中國軍費的四成嗎? 就算加入日本的算也才中國軍費的六成而已,唯一力壓中國的美國其軍費增幅還不夠通膨吃的呢。
[ It should be expected that any new formal addition would realistically come step-by-step and not via any swift elevation to membership. If Japan is greenlighted in any form, a more likely outcome will be that it would join in an official “5+1” format. This would allow for it to ease gradually into deeper cooperation. ]
"Yoshihara makes the following key points in his report.
First, the China side assumes that an attack on Taiwan would lead to all-out war with the US. At the same time, Chinese war planners believe the overwhelmingly superior US military has the capacity to launch large-scale strategic attacks on China's major "megalopolises." Those are Beijing/Tianjin, Shanghai/ Nanjing and Guangzhou/Shenzhen. Such an attack could destroy the base of China's comprehensive military strength.
Second, the Chinese military has developed plans to launch surprise and preemptive strikes on forward-deployed bases for US forces within Japan. They would do this in order to prevent or reduce any strategic attack by American forces.
Those sites also include US military bases at Yokosuka and in Okinawa. In fact, China has declared that it has six different modes of attacks and preemptive attacks at its command. They include "sneak attacks," "rapid raids" and "sabotage raids."
Next, for attacks on United States' bases in Japan, the PLA would rely primarily on certain weapons systems. These are the DF21C medium-range ballistic missile system (1,500 km range), CJ10 ground-launched cruise missiles (same range) and DF26 intermediate-range ballistic missiles (4,000 km range)."