部分媒體和分析人士均表明,真主黨十多年前即在敘利亞部署了寶石巡弋飛彈,幫助敘國總統阿塞德(Bashar al-Assad)在內戰中打擊對手。真主黨從未對外證實擁有該型武器。"
"路透社報導,葛朗特(Yoav Gallant)也表示,對於以色列和伊朗所支持的黎巴嫩武裝組織真主黨(Hezbollah)達成協議的可能性,以方也持開放態度,但任何協議的條件,都必須包含設立邊界安全區,並有適當的保證。
葛朗特對媒體說:「以色列將採取任何措施摧毀(巴勒斯坦伊斯蘭主義團體)哈瑪斯(Hamas),但我們無意永久留在加薩走廊(Gaza Strip)。」"
厭惡臉: 阿拉伯聯盟最好壓得住哈瑪斯不會跟之前一樣談妥後出爾反爾~
"Getting such a deal over the line would require surmounting internal divisions and entrenched differences between the warring sides. The Arab officials said that the obstacles make an imminent deal unlikely, but suggested that if they are overcome then an agreement could be completed within a week to 10 days.
The closed-door meeting in Paris included David Barnea, director of Mossad, Israel’s intelligence agency, who broadly signed off on the deal’s outline, people familiar with the negotiations said. Since the last cessation of hostilities, talks between the two sides had been at an impasse. "
@Perfume 只要美国不直接打击伊朗,中东就会继续乱下去