#SMTP for example.
#ICMP is another.
Even #FTP still rocks (in private networks or over a VPN).
#HTTP 1.0 was pretty good to distribute #HyperTexts. Turned to shit as #WHATWG decided to transform the Web into a distributed (and highly insecure) operating system.
@Wolf480pl@niu.moe @technomancy
Yet, as tools designed for specific purposes, they "withstood the tidesof times" and are.still widely used and useful.
The point is not that they are perfects but that they were designed for specific purposes.
This design decision, do one thing well, is what make them stand.
@Wolf480pl@niu.moe @technomancy
@Shamar @Wolf480pl @technomancy They all do fail miserably in open networks. Spam, DoS, vulnerabilities, censorship, lossy networks. Everything discovered that could go wrong - did.