How do we improve social cohesion and mental wellbeing through tiny actions at the margin while our economy, by design, continues to tear our society and ecology apart and entrenches a new permanent generational and regional aristocracy/poverty class division?

That was the problem of the 2010s, and we failed it. The problem of the 2020s might be a bit more blunt and brute-force in how it presents itself: "Who gets to live, now that neither housing nor food nor energy is affordable?"

The upside is that (apart from the sheer number of humans now alive and the ecological collapse) we've been through worse times than this, and I'm thinking of the 1850s.

The downside is that the 1850s saw the birth of big-C official Communism (not a net win for humanity in the form it took after 1848) and the spiral into a US Civil War.

The upside is that the US Civil War ended slavery.

The downside is that it didn't convince the South that slavery was *wrong*, just that they lost a war.

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Similarly, the birth of Communism as an organized international violence-based movement didn't convince many capitalists that capitalism was morally *wrong* in the same way that slavery was, and for much the same reasons.

Rather, it convinced capitalists that there was an organized international violence-based movement planning to destroy them as a class and seize their property, and they responded in the same manner that anyone else would who learned that fact.

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Well, capitalist back then were already exploiting the workers with great success and without opposition.

Communists just made this class-war explicit.

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